Part 1: Functional specification
6 DRM classes
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Table of contents
Table 6.1 is the table of contents for this clause.
Table 6.1 — Table of contents
6.1.2 Description
This clause specifies the DRM classes used within this part of ISO/IEC 18023 to
specify the various objects that are to be represented. Such DRM classes are
composed of both fundamental data types and references to other DRM classes
using the handle data types specified in 5.4.3 Object. These
are used as the building blocks for more complex data structures that describe
composites of information.
6.2 Constraints
6.2.1 Overview
The constraints stated below specify the restrictions on field values and
associations that may apply when creating and modifying DRM class instances. Since many of these constraints apply to
multiple DRM classes, they are specified here and only referenced in 6.3 DRM class specifications.
6.2.2 Axis type constraints
The following constraints apply:
- In a <DRM Enumeration
Axis> instance X,
- The axis_type
of X shall correspond to an EA T bound to the abstract value type
- The entries of X's axis_value_array
shall be distinct, valid EEs for T.
- In a <DRM Interval Axis>
instance X,
- The axis_type shall correspond to an EA bound to a numeric value type.
- Each individual entry in X's axis_interval_value_array
shall have a value_type consistent with the
numeric data type to which the axis_type's
value is bound, and this value_type
shall be the same for all entries in the axis_interval_value_array.
- If the axis_type is bound to an EQ, the value_unit shall
be a member of the specified EQ.
- If the axis_type is not bound to an EQ,
the value_unit and
scale_unit shall be set to EUC_UNITLESS
and ESC_UNI, respectively.
- All entries in X's axis_interval_value_array
shall be mutually disjoint.
- The entries in X's axis_interval_value_array
shall be arranged in either monotonically ascending or monotonically descending
- In a <DRM Irregular Axis>
instance X,
- The axis_type shall correspond to an EA bound to a numeric value type.
- Each individual entry in X's axis_value_array shall have a
value_type consistent with the numeric data type
to which the axis_type's value is bound, and this value_type
shall be the same for all entries in the axis_value_array.
- If the axis_type is bound to an EQ, the value_unit shall
be a member of the specified EQ.
- If the axis_type is not bound to an EQ,
the value_unit and
scale_unit shall be set to EUC_UNITLESS
and ESC_UNI, respectively.
- All entries in X's axis_value_array
shall be distinct, and
- The entries in X's axis_value_array
shall be arranged in either monotonically ascending or monotonically descending
- In a <DRM Regular Axis>
instance X,
- The axis_type shall correspond to an EA bound to a numeric value type.
- The value_type of the
first_value and spacing field values
shall be the same, and shall be consistent with the numeric data type to
which the axis_type's value is bound.
- If the axis_type is bound to an EQ, the value_unit shall
be a member of the specified EQ.
- If the axis_type is not bound to an EQ,
the value_unit and
scale_unit shall be set to EUC_UNITLESS
and ESC_UNI, respectively.
- In regard to spatial <DRM Axis>
- A spatial <DRM Axis> is a
<DRM Axis> instance with one of the
following as its axis_type.
- For angular coordinates, such as latitude and longitude, EAC_SPATIAL_ANGULAR_PRIMARY_COORDINATE and
- For x, y coordinates,
- For z and elevation coordinates,
- The first spatial_axes_count
<DRM Axis> components of a <DRM Property Grid> instance shall
be spatial <DRM Axis> instances, each
of which uniquely corresponds to a coordinate of the <DRM Property Grid> instance's spatial
reference frame.
- No other <DRM Axis> instances in
any other context shall be spatial.
6.2.3 Colour mapping constraints
The colour_mapping
field of a <DRM Colour> shall not be
In addition,
- The colour_mapping
field of a <DRM Colour> shall not be
flags may only be used for objects with <DRM Light Rendering
- The PRIMARY flag may not be combined with any other
use of the Colour_Mapping data type.
flag may not be combined with any other use of the
Colour_Mapping data type.
6.2.4 Colour table size
For a given <DRM
Colour Table Group> instance G with table_size = k, each <DRM Colour Table> component T of
G shall have k <DRM Primitive
Colour> components. <DRM Colour
Table> components of a <DRM
Colour Table Group> are free to have different types of <DRM Primitive Colour>
components from other <DRM Colour
Table> components.
EXAMPLE Some components use <DRM Specular Colour>; some do not.
6.2.5 Connected edge constraints
The following constraints apply to instances of connected
edge DRM classes:
- A <DRM Feature Node> N has the
following relationship with its
<DRM Feature Edge> components, if any exist.
- For each <Feature
Edge> that has N as a starting node, N shall be associated to that <DRM Feature
- For each <Feature
Edge> that has N as an ending node, N shall be associated to that <DRM Feature
- If N is neither the starting node nor the ending node of a given <DRM Feature Edge>, N shall be
associated to that <DRM Feature Edge>.
- Consequently, for any given <DRM
Feature Edge> E of which N is a starting or ending node, E shall
appear among the associates of N either:
- once, if N is E’s starting node and not its ending node,
- once, if N is E’s ending node and not its starting node, or
- twice, if E is a loop.
- A <DRM Geometry Node>
N has the following relationship with its associated <DRM
Geometry Edge> instances, if any exist.
- For each <DRM Geometry
Edge> that has N as a starting node, N shall be associated to that <DRM
Geometry Edge>.
- For each <DRM Geometry
Edge> that has N as an ending node, N shall be associated to that <DRM Geometry
- If N is neither the starting node nor the ending node of a given <DRM Geometry Edge>, N shall not
be associated to that <Geometry
- Consequently, for any given <DRM
Geometry Edge> E of which N is a starting or ending node, E shall
appear among the associates of N either:
- once, if N is E’s starting node and not its ending node,
- once, if N is E’s ending node and not its starting node, or
- twice, if E is a loop.
6.2.6 Contained node constraints
The following constraints apply to instances of contained
node DRM classes:
- A <DRM Feature Face>
instance F shall have the
following relationship with its associated <DRM
Feature Node> instances, if any exist. At any feature topology level, if F is
associated with any <DRM Feature Node> instance N, N
shall lie within the external ring of F, if any, and shall not lie within
any of the internal rings of F, if any. Conversely, if a
<DRM Feature Node> instance N lies
within the boundaries of F, N shall be associated with F. If no
<DRM Feature Node> instances lie
within the boundaries of F, F shall not be associated with any
<DRM Feature Node> instances.
- A <DRM Feature Volume> instance V
shall have the following relationship with its associated <DRM Feature Node> instances, if
any exist. At any feature topology level, if V is associated with any <DRM Feature Node> instance N, N
shall lie completely within the external shell of V, if any, and shall not
lie within any of the internal shells of V, if any. Conversely, if a <DRM Feature Node> instance N lies
within the boundaries of V, N shall be associated with V. If no <DRM Feature Node> instances lie
within the boundaries of V, V shall not be associated with any <DRM Feature Node> instances.
- A <DRM Geometry Face> instance F
shall have the following relationship with its associated
<DRM Geometry Node> instances, if
any. At any geometry topology level, if E is associated with any
<DRM Geometry Node> instances N,
N shall lie within the interior of F. Conversely, if a
<DRM Geometry Node> instance N
lies within the interior of F, N shall be associated with F. If no
<DRM Geometry Node> instances lie
within the boundaries of F, F shall not be associated with any
<DRM Geometry Node> instances.
- A <DRM Geometry Volume>
instance V shall have the following relationship with its associated
<DRM Geometry Node> instances, if
any exist. At any geometry topology level, if V is associated with any
<DRM Geometry Node> instance N,
N shall lie within the interior of V. Conversely, if a
<DRM Geometry Node> instance N
lies within the interior of V, N shall be associated with V. If no
<DRM Geometry Node> instances lie
within the interior of V, V shall not be associated with any
<DRM Geometry Node> instances.
6.2.7 Continuous LOD constraints
The following constraints apply:
- <DRM
Continuous LOD Related Geometry> instances can be used only in
the scope of some <DRM Environment
- A <DRM Primitive
Geometry> instance that is within the component tree of a
Continuous LOD Related Geometry> shall not have a <DRM Union Of Primitive
Geometry> component
6.2.8 Corresponding same data type
When the characteristic_value of an instance of class <DRM_Property_Characteristic>
corresponds to an actual numerical value such as the UPPER_BOUND,
the value shall have the same data type, units, and scale as the attribute being constrained.
6.2.9 Cylindrical structure
For a <DRM
Cylindrical Volume Extent> instance C, the following conditions shall
- The <DRM Reference
Vector> components of C shall comply with the restrictions imposed in
the specification of the <DRM
Cylindrical Volume Extent> class, including the restrictions on the
vector_type field values and the orientation relative to one another.
- If a <DRM Reference
Vector> component of C specifies a <DRM
Location> subclass component L, L shall be the <DRM Location 3D> specified by the
volume context in which C appears.
For a <DRM Volume Object> instance E, the following conditions shall hold:
- The <DRM Reference
Vector> components of E shall comply with the restrictions imposed in
the specification of the <DRM Volume
Object> class, including the restrictions on the vector_type
field values and the orientation relative to one another.
- If a <DRM Reference
Vector> component of E specifies a <DRM
Location> subclass component L, L shall be the <DRM Location 3D> component of E.
6.2.10 Distinct link objects
The following constraints apply to link objects:
- Under any single <DRM Aggregate
Feature> or <DRM Aggregate
Geometry> instance, the link objects (if any) shall have non-identical field
values. In the case of
Separating Plane Related Geometry>, this constraint applies to the link
objects of the <DRM
Separating Plane Relations> components of the aggregate, as the
aggregate itself does not have link objects.
- Under any single topology hierarchy, whether an instance of <DRM Feature Topology
Hierarchy> or <DRM
Geometry Topology Hierarchy>, the link objects shall have non-identical field
- Under any single model instance, whether a <DRM Feature Model Instance>
or a <DRM Geometry Model
Instance>, the <DRM
Model Instance Template Index> instances shall be distinct.
6.2.11 Edges bordering faces
<DRM Feature
Edge> instances have the following relationship with <DRM Feature Face> instances:
- If a <DRM Feature Edge>
instance E associates to a <DRM Feature
Face> instance F, E shall be part of one of the <DRM Feature Face Ring>
instances of F.
- At feature topology level 3 or higher, if a <DRM Feature Edge> instance E is
part of any <DRM Feature Face
Ring> instance of a <DRM Feature
Face> instance F, E shall have an association to F. At lower levels
of topology, this relationship may be present, but it is not required.
<DRM Geometry Edge> instances have
the following relationship with <DRM
Geometry Face> instances:
- If a <DRM
Geometry Edge> instance E associates to a
Face> instance F, E shall be part of one of the <DRM Geometry Face Ring>
instances of F.
- At geometry topology level 3 or higher, if a <DRM Geometry
Edge> instance E is part of any <DRM Geometry Face Ring>
instance of a <DRM Geometry Face>
instance F, E shall have an
association to F. At lower levels of topology, this relationship may be
present, but it is not required.
6.2.12 Environment_Root spatial reference frame
Consider a <DRM
Transmittal Root> instance TR having one or more <DRM Environment Root>
instances as components:
- For TR, no two <DRM
Environment Root> instances may have identical spatial reference frame
- All <DRM Location> instances
appearing in the hierarchy rooted at a given <DRM Environment Root> instance
shall be specified within the spatial reference frame of that <DRM Environment Root>
instance, unless such <DRM Location>
fall within the scope of an object that specifies its own spatial reference
frame, such as a <Property Grid>
or <DRM Image Anchor>.
- No <DRM Location> instances
under a <DRM Environment Root>
may be invalid within that spatial reference frame; they shall be either valid,
or "extended".
6.2.13 Face_Direction levels 0 - 3
At feature topology levels 0 through 3, the front field of <DRM Face Direction> shall
always be true.
6.2.14 Feature_Edge constraints
The following restrictions apply:
- The <DRM Location> instances within a <DRM Feature Edge> shall be
distinct (that is, no two may have the same coordinates).
- <DRM
Feature Edge> instances may meet only at
Feature Node> instances, and <DRM
Feature Face> instances may meet only along one or more <DRM
Feature Edge> instances.
- At feature topology level 2 or higher, no <DRM Feature Edge> may intersect with or
overlap another <DRM Feature Edge>.
- At feature topology level 3, each <DRM
Feature Edge> forms part of the boundaries of exactly two <DRM Feature Face> instances.
6.2.15 Face ring edge consistency
The following constraints apply:
- For each consecutive <DRM
Feature Edge> within a <DRM
Feature Face Ring>, and for each consecutive <DRM Geometry Edge> within a <DRM Geometry Face Ring>,
the <DRM Edge Direction>
shall be consistent with the starting and ending nodes of the edge.
- A <DRM
Feature Edge> shall appear no more than twice in a <DRM Feature Face Ring>, once
with each orientation.
- A <DRM Geometry Edge>
shall appear no more than twice in a <DRM
Geometry Face Ring>, once with each orientation.
6.2.16 Hierarchy summary constraints
The following constraints apply:
- An instance of <DRM
Hierarchy Summary Item> shall have a drm_class field value corresponding
to one of the following:
- <DRM Feature
Hierarchy> or one of its subclasses, or
- <DRM Geometry
Hierarchy> or one of its subclasses.
- For any <DRM
Hierarchy Summary Item> instance B that is a component of another <DRM Hierarchy Summary Item>
instance A, the class represented by B’s drm_class field value shall be specified
as a formal component of A, and the multiplicity and multiplicity_meaning of B
shall comply with the corresponding component relationship between the two
- Consider a <DRM Environment
Root> instance E,
- If E has a <DRM Geometry
Hierarchy> component H, E shall have at most one <DRM Hierarchy Summary Item>
component S for which the drm_class field corresponds to a <DRM Geometry Hierarchy> subclass.
If such a component instance S exists, its field values shall comply with
the following constraints:
- S’s drm_class shall match that of H.
- S’s multiplicity_meaning value
shall be EXACT, and its multiplicity
field shall have value 1.
- If E does not have a <DRM
Geometry Hierarchy> component, E shall not have any <DRM Hierarchy Summary Item>
component for which the drm_class field corresponds to a
<DRM Geometry Hierarchy>
- If E has a <DRM Feature
Hierarchy> component H, E shall have at most one <DRM Hierarchy Summary Item>
component S for which the drm_class field corresponds to a
<DRM Feature Hierarchy>
subclass. If such a component instance S exists, its field values shall
comply with the constraint
- S’s drm_class shall match that of H.
- S’s multiplicity_meaning shall be
EXACT, and its multiplicity
shall have value 1.
- If E does not have a <DRM
Feature Hierarchy> component, E shall not have any <DRM Hierarchy Summary Item>
component for which the drm_class field corresponds to a
<DRM Feature Hierarchy>
- Consider a <DRM Model> instance M.
- If M has a <DRM Geometry
Model> with a <DRM
Geometry Hierarchy> component H, M shall have at most one <DRM Hierarchy Summary Item>
component S for which the drm_class field corresponds to a
<DRM Geometry Hierarchy>
subclass. If such a component instance S exists, its field values shall
comply with the following constraints.
- S’s drm_class shall match that of H.
- S’s multiplicity_meaning shall be
EXACT, and its multiplicity
shall have value 1.
- If M does not have a <DRM Geometry Model> component, or its <DRM Geometry Model> does not have a
Geometry Hierarchy> component, M shall not have any <DRM Hierarchy Summary Item>
component for which the drm_class field corresponds to a
<DRM Geometry Hierarchy>
- If M has a <DRM Feature
Model> with a <DRM Feature
Hierarchy> component H, M shall have at most one <DRM Hierarchy Summary Item>
component S for which the drm_class field corresponds to a
<DRM Feature Hierarchy>
subclass. If such a component instance S exists, its field values shall
comply with the following constraints.
- S’s drm_class shall match that of H.
- S’s multiplicity_meaning shall be
EXACT, and its multiplicity
shall have value 1.
- If M does not have a <DRM Feature
Model> component, or its <DRM Feature
Model> does not have a <DRM
Feature Hierarchy> component, M shall not have any <DRM Hierarchy Summary Item>
component for which the drm_class field corresponds to a
<DRM Feature Hierarchy>
- All <DRM Geometry
Hierarchy> associates (or <DRM
Feature Hierarchy> associates) of a given <DRM Hierarchy Summary Item>
instance shall be instances of the class specified by its drm_class
field value, and shall conform to the structure that it specifies.
Homogeneous light rendering properties
Light Rendering Properties> may only contain one subclass of <DRM Directional Light
6.2.18 Image_Anchor spatial reference frame
Consider a <DRM
Image Anchor> instance X.
- The <DRM Location> instances
in the scope of X shall be valid or “extended” within the spatial
reference frame specified by X's srf_parameters.
- X shall be either a component of one or more <DRM Image> instances or of one or more <DRM Image Mapping Function>
instances, but not both.
- If X is a component of a <DRM
Image Mapping Function> instance F, and if F appears within the context
of some spatial reference frame S, X's srf_parameters shall equal those
specified by S.
6.2.19 Image mapping functions
and texture coordinates
The number of
<DRM Image Mapping Function>
instances an instance of a concrete subclass of
<DRM Geometry Representation> has shall
be equal to the number of <DRM Texture
Coordinate> instances for each <DRM Vertex>
instance and <DRM Tack Point>
within that instance of a concrete subclass of
<DRM Geometry Representation>.
<DRM Image
Mapping Function> instances for instances of a concrete subclass of
Feature Representation>, on the other hand, shall either have <DRM Image Anchor> components, or
specify <DRM Image> instances that have <DRM Image Anchor> components.
If a <DRM Image Mapping
Function> instance is used to specify a non-planar projection (e.g., spherical
or cylindrical) it shall use a <DRM Image
Anchor> component, and the instance of a concrete subclass of
<DRM Geometry Representation>
to which the <DRM Image
Mapping Function> instance is attached cannot have <DRM Texture Coordinate>
instances or a <DRM Tack Point>
6.2.20 Index_Codes within tables
The following constraints apply:
- No <DRM Property> instance,
other than a <DRM Table
Property Description> instance, shall have an Index_Code
meaning value.
Consider a <DRM Data Table>
instance DT, with a component <DRM Table Property
Description> instance X, where X has a meaning value of
For each corresponding cell value N in the <DRM Data Table> instance D, if N
is not a sentinel value for missing or excluded, N is an index into the ordered
set of <DRM Data Table>
components of a <DRM Data Table
Library> instance where:
- The transmittal in which the <DRM
Data Table> instance D resides shall have a <DRM Data Table Library> instance L,
- The <DRM Data Table
Library> instance L shall have at least N ordered <DRM Data Table> components, and
- The Nth <DRM Data Table>
component of the <DRM Data Table
Library> instance L shall have a <DRM
Classification Data> instance whose tag
matches the component_data_table_ecc of the <DRM Table Property
Description> instance X.
- If the <DRM
Classification Data> instance of the referenced Nth <DRM Data Table> instance has no component <DRM Property Value> instances, the<DRM Table Property
Description> instance X shall have none.
- If the <DRM
Classification Data> instance of the referenced Nth <DRM Data Table> instance has j component <DRM Property Value> instances, the <DRM Table Property
Description> instance X shall have exactly j matching <DRM Property Value> instances.
- Consider a <DRM Data Table>
instance D, with a component <DRM Table Property
Description> instance X, where X has a meaning Index_Code
For each corresponding cell value N in the <DRM Data Table> instance D, if N
is not a sentinel value for missing or excluded, N is an index into the ordered
set of <DRM Data Table>
components of D, where:
- The <DRM Data Table> D
shall have at least N ordered <DRM Data
Table> components,
- The Nth <DRM Data Table>
component of D shall have a <Classification Data>
instance whose
tag matches the component_data_table_ecc
of the <DRM Table
Property Description> instance X.
- If the <DRM
Classification Data> instance of the referenced Nth <DRM Data Table> instance has no component <DRM Property Value> instance, the <DRM Table Property
Description> instance X shall have none.
- If the <DRM
Classification Data> instance of the referenced Nth <DRM Data Table> instance has j component <DRM Property Value> instances the <DRM Table Property
Description> instance X shall have exactly j matching <DRM Property Value> instances.
Consider a <DRM Data Table>
instance D, with a component <DRM Table Property
Description> instance X, where X has a meaning Index_Code value of
For each corresponding cell value N in the <DRM Data Table> instance D, if N
is not a sentinel value for missing or excluded, N is an index into the ordered
set of <DRM Property Table
Reference> components of D, where:,
- The <DRM Data Table>
instance D
shall have at least N ordered <DRM
Property Table Reference> components,
- The Nth <DRM
Property Table Reference> component of D shall refer to a <DRM Property Table> instance whose <DRM Classification Data>
instance with a tag field that matches the component_data_table_ecc
of the <DRM
Table Property Description> instance X.
- If the <DRM
Classification Data> of the referenced <DRM Property Table> has no
component <DRM Property Value>
the <DRM Table Property
Description> instance X shall have none.
- If the <DRM
Classification Data> instance of the referenced <DRM Property Table> instance has j
component <DRM Property Value>
the <DRM Table Property
Description> instance X shall have exactly j matching <DRM Property Value> instances.
- A <DRM
Table Property Description> instance that is not covered by b, c, or d above
shall have ECC_OBJECT
as its component_data_table_ecc value.
- Consider a <DRM Data Table>
instance D, with a component <DRM Table Property
Description> instance X where X has an EAC as its
meaning. If X has <DRM Property
Value> components, they shall exist to qualify the meaning of X such that X
is considered unique among the <DRM Table Property
Description> components of DT if its qualified meaning is unique among
- A <DRM Table
Property Description> instance that is not covered by b, c, d, or f
above shall have no <DRM Property
Value> components.
Consider a <DRM Data Table>
instance D, with a component <DRM Table Property
Description> instance X, where X has a meaning
For each corresponding cell value N in the <DRM Data Table> instance D, if N
is not a sentinel value for missing or excluded, N is an index into the ordered
set of <DRM Image Mapping
Function> components of D, where the <DRM
Data Table> instance D shall have at least N ordered <DRM Image Mapping Function>
6.2.21 Inheritance rule for Location
Given any object that has a <DRM
Location> component, that <DRM
Location> component (or the first <DRM
Location> component in an ordered list of <DRM
Location> components) becomes the (default) <DRM Location> component in the context for the
aggregation tree stemming from that object.
6.2.22 Level
of detail related organizing principle
For any level of detail related organization L, whether a
Related Features> or <DRM
Related Geometry>:
- The instance of a concrete subclass of
<DRM Base
LOD Data> for each branch of L shall match the class
specified by L’s lod_data_type field.
- For each pair of branches, if the instances of a concrete subclass of
<DRM Base
LOD Data> overlap, neither shall be a subset of the other.
- For instances of <DRM Distance
LOD Data>, neither interval shall be contained within the other. Specifically:
- The ranges may touch at their endpoints; that is, the
minimum_range of
one may equal the maximum_range of the other.
- If the ranges overlap by more than one endpoint, each shall have at
least one fade band, so that one is fading in while the other is fading out for
the overlap range.
- For instances of <DRM Volume
LOD Data>:
- If the two branches both have outside = FALSE,
neither volume may be contained within the other.
- The volumes specified may be identical if the link objects specify
different values for their outside fields, provided that L complies with the
constraint specified in 6.2.10 Distinct link objects.
- If L inherited a <DRM Base
LOD Data> instance C as a component, such that C
matches its lod_data_type, L’s link objects shall
fall within the scope specified by C:
- If C is a <DRM Distance
LOD Data> and L is of type DISTANCE,
each link object specified by L shall specify a range within the region covered by C.
- If C is a <DRM Volume
LOD Data> and L is of type VOLUME,
each link object specified by L shall specify a volume lying within that of C.
- No other classes of C permit a matching L to occur in their inheritance tree.
6.2.23 LSR model and reference surfaces
A <DRM Model> specified
using an LSR spatial reference frame (SRF) may not contain (aggregate) any <DRM Reference Surface>
6.2.24 LSR_Transformation components
Transformation> instance L shall have a <DRM Local 4x4>, an ordered set of <DRM LSR Transformation Step>
components, or both. If L has both a <DRM
Local 4x4> and a set of <DRM LSR
Transformation Step> components, the ordered set of <DRM LSR Transformation Step> components
shall be mathematically equivalent to the <DRM
Local 4x4>.
6.2.25 Mandatory metadata
Table 6.2 lists
metadata classes. When these classes are instanced, at least the designated
fields shall be populated.
Table 6.2 — Mandatory metadata
<DRM Access>
Consider a <DRM Access> instance A.
- If A's access_constraints
A's other_constraints
field shall contain a non-empty string specifying what those other constraints
- If A's use_constraints
A's other_constraints
field shall contain a non-empty string specifying what those other constraints
<DRM Browse Media>
The field name shall specify a non-empty string.
The field media_urn shall be a valid URN.
<DRM Citation>
The field title shall be a non-empty string.
<DRM Description>
The field abstract shall be a non-empty string
<DRM Keywords>
The field keyword_array shall be
For each entry in keyword_array, the thesaurus field shall contain a non-empty string.
To indicate that no thesaurus is applicable, the thesaurus
field shall have the value NONE.
For each entry in keyword_array, the keyword_list shall be a non-empty string, where keywords
are separated by semicolons.
For any two entries in keyword_array, either the
code fields or the thesaurus fields
shall have different values.
<DRM Lineage>
An instance of <DRM Lineage> shall specify at least
one of the following:
- a <DRM Process Step>,
- a <DRM Source>, or
- a non-empty string within its statement field.
<DRM Responsible Party>
The locale of each
String field within a <DRM
Responsible Party> instance shall be specified using the same country
code as that specified by its address field.
At least one of the
following fields shall contain a non-empty string:
- individual_name,
- position_name, or
- organization_name.
The voice_phone field of the
Contact_Information value shall be a non-empty string.
The email_address field of the
Contact_Information value shall contain a comma-separated
list of syntactically valid e-mail addresses.
The web_site field of the
Contact_Information> value,
if specified, shall contain a comma-separated list of syntactically valid
At least one of the following shall be a non-empty string:
- individual_name,
- position_name, and/or
- organization_name.
email_address shall be
a non-empty string, and shall be a comma-separated list of syntactically valid
email addresses
web_site, if specified,
shall be a comma-separated list of syntactically valid URLs
The locale of each
String field within an instance of
Responsible Party> shall be specified using the same country code as
that used by the address except as noted above.
<DRM Process
Given an instance P of
<DRM Process Step>, the following
conditions shall hold:
- P’s description field shall be a non-empty
- P’s <DRM Absolute Time> component shall have a time_significance value of
- If P has <DRM Responsible Party>
components, each shall specify PROCESSOR as its role.
<DRM Source>
The description field value shall be a non-empty string.
6.2.26 Model reference type constraints
The following constraints apply:
- If an instance of <DRM Model>
has model_reference_type value set to ROOT
the <DRM Model> instance’s name shall
be unique in the scope of its aggregate <DRM
Model Library>.
- If an instance of <DRM Model>
has model_reference_type set to COMPONENT,
the following also apply:
- Any <DRM Geometry
Model Instance> or <DRM
Feature Model Instance> referencing that <DRM
Model> shall be in the scope of another <DRM
Model> instance;
- Its dynamic_model_processing flag shall be FALSE.
6.2.27 Model spatial reference frame
The following constraints apply:
- Consider a <DRM Model>
instance M specified in a spatial reference frame other than Local Space Rectangular.
- M shall be instanced only by
<DRM Geometry Model
Instance> and/or <DRM
Feature Model Instance> instances specified in a matching spatial
reference frame, and
- M’s has_moving_parts field shall be set to
- Consider a <DRM Model> instance M
specified in a Local Space Rectangular spatial reference frame.
- If M’s has_units field is set to
FALSE, M shall not be referenced by any
<DRM Geometry Model
Instance> or <DRM
Feature Model Instance> instances.
- If M is to be instanced into a non-LSR reference frame by any
<DRM Geometry Model
Instance> or <DRM
Feature Model Instance> instances, each such <DRM Geometry Model
Instance> instance and <DRM
Feature Model Instance> instance shall specify a <DRM World Transformation>
- M cannot be instanced into another Local Space Rectangular reference frame
unless the target spatial reference frame has identical parameters to the
parameters of M.
- If the component hierarchy of M contains any
<DRM LSR Transformation>
instances that have <DRM Control
Link> instances, and if M provides controlling <DRM Variable> instances to those <DRM Control Link> instances such
that they allow motion, M’s has_moving_parts
field shall be set to TRUE;
otherwise, M’s has_moving_parts
field shall be set to FALSE.
- All <DRM Location> instances
under a <DRM Model> instance shall be expressed
in the spatial reference frame specified by that <DRM
Model> instance.
6.2.28 Nested primitive geometry
When a <DRM
Primitive Geometry> instance contains a <DRM Union Of Primitive
Geometry> instance, for nesting reasons, the resulting geometry shall be coplanar.
The possible combinations at any level of nesting are:
- <DRM Polygon> can nest:
<DRM Polygon>, <DRM Ellipse>, <DRM Line>, <DRM
Arc>, <DRM Point>, and <DRM Finite Element Mesh>.
- <DRM Ellipse> can
<DRM Polygon>, <DRM Ellipse>, <DRM Line>, <DRM
Arc>, <DRM Point>, and <DRM Finite Element Mesh>.
- <DRM Line> can nest:
<DRM Line>, <DRM
Arc>, and <DRM Point>.
- <DRM Arc> can nest:
<DRM Line>, <DRM
Arc>, and <DRM Point>.
- <DRM Point> can nest:
<DRM Point>.
- <DRM Volume Object> can nest:
<DRM Finite Element Mesh>
as an interior 3D mesh.
- <DRM Finite
Element Mesh> cannot nest.
6.2.29 Non-crossing aggregations
Aggregations cannot cross <DRM
Model> instances and/or <DRM
Environment Root> instances.
6.2.30 Non-crossing associations
Associations cannot cross <DRM
Model> instances and/or <DRM
Environment Root> instances, except for <DRM Geometry Model
Instance> instance to <DRM
Geometry Model> instance, and <DRM Feature Model Instance>
instance to <DRM Feature Model>
6.2.31 Non-cyclic aggregations
Aggregations are not allowed to form cycles. Associations
are. By this rule:
- an object can associate to itself; e.g., a <DRM Point Feature> can associate
with itself;
- a <DRM Feature
Representation> instance
can associate to a <DRM Geometry
Hierarchy> instance that associates to the
<DRM Feature
Representation>; and
- an object cannot have itself as a component.
6.2.32 Non-empty Environment_Root
Environment Root> shall have as components a <DRM
Feature Hierarchy> and/or a <DRM
Geometry Hierarchy> instance.
6.2.33 Non-empty Model
The following constraints apply:
- All <DRM Model> instances shall
have either a <DRM Feature Model>,
a <DRM Geometry Model>, or
- A <DRM Model> is permitted to
have an empty <DRM Geometry
Model>, that is, a <DRM Geometry
Model> without a component <DRM
Geometry Hierarchy>, only if:
- The <DRM Model> either does not
have a <DRM Feature Model>, or
its <DRM Feature Model> is
- The <DRM Model> has a <DRM Classification Data>
component with tag set to ECC_OBJECT;
- The <DRM Model> is tagged as
that it can be instanced within <DRM
Environment Root> scopes as well as other <DRM
Model> instances; and
- The empty <DRM Geometry
Model> has no <DRM Attachment
Point>, <DRM Contact Point>,
or <DRM LSR Transformation>
component, since these components require the presence of a <DRM Geometry Hierarchy> instance.
- A <DRM Model> is permitted to
have an empty <DRM Feature
Model>, that is, a <DRM
Feature Model> without
a <DRM Feature Hierarchy>
component, only if:
- The <DRM Model> either does not
have a <DRM Geometry Model>,
or its <DRM Geometry Model>
is empty;
- The <DRM Model> has a <DRM Classification Data>
component with tag set to ECC_OBJECT; and
- The <DRM Model> is tagged as
ROOT_AND_COMPONENT so that it can be instanced
within <DRM Environment Root>
scopes as well as other <DRM Model>
- No <DRM Model> other than a
properly constructed empty <DRM Model>
is permitted to have a <DRM Classification
Data> with ECC_OBJECT
6.2.34 Non-overlapping DRM class
summary items
In a list of <DRM
DRM Class Summary Item> instances, no two shall have their type fields
set to the same class type.
6.2.35 Non-selfoverlapping
perimeter data locations
The perimeter specified by a <DRM Perimeter Data> instance
shall not intersect with or overlap itself.
6.2.36 No property conflicts
The following restrictions apply:
No two directly attached <DRM
Property Value> components of an object instance may specify identical
values for their meaning fields.
If an inherited <DRM Property Value>
has the same meaning field value as a directly attached
<DRM Property Value>, the
directly attached component replaces the inherited component in the inheritance
No two directly attached <DRM
Property Description> components of an object instance may specify
identical values for their meaning fields.
If an inherited
<DRM Property Description>
has the same meaning field value as a directly attached
<DRM Property Description>,
the directly attached component replaces the inherited component in the
inheritance context.
6.2.37 Octant related organizing
For any oct tree-related organization O, whether a <DRM Octant Related
Geometry> or a <DRM Octant
Related Features> instance,
- O shall have a <DRM
Spatial Extent> component, specifying the bounding
volume that the oct tree is organizing into octants. Since a volume is being
specified, this <DRM Spatial Extent>
shall be specified in terms of <DRM Location
3D> components.
- Each branch of O shall comply with the following constraints:
- Each component representing an octant shall have a <DRM Spatial Extent> component.
In the case of octants represented by
<DRM Geometry Model
Instance> or <DRM
Feature Model Instance> instances, the <DRM
Model> instance being referenced shall have the <DRM Spatial Extent> component. Since a
subdivision of a volume is being specified, this <DRM Spatial Extent> instance shall be
specified in terms of <DRM Location
3D> instances.
- The regions specified by the branches shall not overlap; that is, the
corresponding <DRM
Spatial Extent>
instances shall not overlap.
- The eight possible octant components' <DRM Spatial Extent> instances
shall be specified in their native SRF within the area specified by the O's
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance as shown in
5.3. Consider the bounding area specified by the <DRM Spatial Extent> instance of
O, as
divided into eight octants of equal size with the area specified from point “a” to
point “o” in
- If a branch with UPPER_NORTHWEST
is present, its <DRM
Spatial Extent> instance
shall specify the area of the upper northwest octant, from point “h” to point
“o” in Figure
5.3, such that:
- its eastern boundary aligns with the western boundary of the UPPER_NORTHEAST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
- its southern boundary aligns with the northern boundary of the UPPER_SOUTHWEST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
present; and
- its lower boundary aligns with the upper boundary of the LOWER_NORTHWEST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
- If a branch with UPPER_NORTHEAST
is present, its <DRM Spatial Extent>
shall specify the area of the upper northeast octant, from point “g” to point
“n” in Figure
5.3, such that:
- the <DRM Location 3D>
instance representing its upper northeast corner corresponds to that of O's <DRM Spatial Extent> instance;
- its western boundary aligns with the eastern boundary of the UPPER_NORTHWEST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
present, and its southern boundary aligns with the northern boundary of the UPPER_SOUTHEAST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
present; and
- its lower boundary aligns with the upper boundary of the LOWER_NORTHEAST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance,
if present.
- If a branch with UPPER_SOUTHWEST
is present, its <DRM
Spatial Extent> instance shall specify the area of the southwest octant, from
point “f” to point “m” in
5.3, such that:
- its eastern boundary aligns with the western boundary of the UPPER_SOUTHEAST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
- its northern boundary aligns with the southern boundary of the UPPER_NORTHWEST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
present; and
- its lower boundary aligns with the upper boundary of the LOWER_SOUTHWEST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
- If a branch with UPPER_SOUTHEAST
is present, its <DRM Spatial Extent>
shall specify the area of the southeast octant, from point “e” to point “l” in
5.3, such that:
- its western boundary aligns with the eastern boundary of the UPPER_SOUTHWEST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
- its northern boundary aligns with the southern boundary of the UPPER_NORTHEAST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
present; and
- its lower boundary aligns with the upper boundary of the LOWER_SOUTHEAST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
- If a branch with LOWER_NORTHWEST
is present, its <DRM Spatial Extent>
shall specify the area of the upper northwest octant, from point “d” to point
“k” in Figure
5.3, such that:
- its eastern boundary aligns with the western boundary of the LOWER_NORTHEAST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
- its southern boundary aligns with the northern boundary of the LOWER_SOUTHWEST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
present; and
- its upper boundary aligns with the lower boundary of the UPPER_NORTHWEST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
- If a branch with LOWER_NORTHEAST
is present, its <DRM Spatial Extent>
shall specify the area of the upper northeast octant, from point “c” to point
“j” in Figure
5.3, such that:
- its western boundary aligns with the eastern boundary of the LOWER_NORTHWEST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
- its southern boundary aligns with the northern boundary of the LOWER_SOUTHEAST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
present; and
- its upper boundary aligns with the lower boundary of the UPPER_NORTHEAST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
- If a branch with LOWER_SOUTHWEST
is present, its <DRM
Spatial Extent> instance shall specify the area of the southwest octant, from
point “b” to point “i” in
5.3, such that:
- the <DRM Location 3D>
instance representing its lower southwest corner corresponds to that of O's <DRM Spatial Extent> instance;
- its eastern boundary aligns with the western boundary of the LOWER_SOUTHEAST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
- its northern boundary aligns with the southern boundary of the LOWER_NORTHWEST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
present; and
- its upper boundary aligns with the lower boundary of the UPPER_SOUTHWEST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance, if
- If a branch with LOWER_SOUTHEAST
is present, its <DRM Spatial Extent>
shall specify the area of the southeast octant, from point “a” to point “h” in
5.3, such that:
- its western boundary aligns with the eastern boundary of the LOWER_SOUTHWEST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent>, if
- its northern boundary aligns with the southern boundary of the LOWER_NORTHEAST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent>, if
present; and
- its upper boundary aligns with the lower boundary of the UPPER_SOUTHEAST octant’s
<DRM Spatial Extent>, if
- The strict_organizing_principle and
unique_descendants field values of O shall be
6.2.38 Perimeter
related feature topology partitioning
The following conditions apply to
DRM class instances:
- The regions specified by the components of a DRM_Perimeter_Related_Feature_Topology
object shall not overlap.
- A DRM_Feature_Topology
object may belong to at most one
6.2.39 Perimeter related
organizing principle
The following constraints apply:
- For any perimeter-related organization,
- The regions specified by its branches shall not overlap; that is, the <DRM Perimeter Data> on the
branches shall specify regions that do not overlap.
- For each branch of the organization, every primitive within that branch
shall have a spatial extent overlapping that of the branch.
- For topological organizations:
- A <DRM Feature Topology>
instance shall belong to at most one <DRM Perimeter
Related Feature Topology> instance.
- A <DRM Geometry
Topology> instance shall belong to at most one <DRM Perimeter
Related Geometry Topology> nstance.
- Consider a perimeter-related organization P, which is either <DRM Perimeter Related
Features> instance or a <DRM
Perimeter Related Geometry> instance.
- If P’s
strict_organizing_principle field has
value TRUE, for each branch of P, each
primitive within the branch shall have a spatial extent fully contained within
that specified by the <DRM Perimeter Data>
instance corresponding to the branch.
- If P’s strict_organizing_principle
has value FALSE, no guarantees exist as to how
accurately the objects of the component tree rooted at P were placed into
their sorted bins (that is, the branches of P), apart from that specified by a.1
- If P is a <DRM
Perimeter Related Features>, and the same
<DRM Feature
Representation> instance belongs to more
than one of its branches, the unique_descendants and
flags of P shall be set to FALSE.
- If P is a <DRM Perimeter Related Geometry>, and
the same <DRM Geometry
Representation> instance
belongs to more than one of its branches, the unique_descendants and
fields of P shall be set to FALSE.
6.2.40 Precedence of
Instances of concrete subclasses of
<DRM Geometry Representation>
or <DRM Feature
Representation> may
contain attribute and/or metadata objects and also <DRM Property Set Index>
objects that refer to <DRM Property
Set> objects. If there is a clash between the attribute or metadata objects
that are contained by the instance of a concrete subclass of
<DRM Geometry Representation>
or <DRM Feature
and any attribute or metadata objects that are contained by <DRM Property Set> objects, objects
contained directly by instances of concrete subclasses of
<DRM Geometry Representation>
or <DRM Feature
Representation> take precedence.
DRM Geometry Representation
and <DRM Feature> instances may contain an
ordered list of <DRM Property
Set Index> instances. If a <DRM
Geometry> or <DRM Feature>
contains references to more than one <DRM
Property Set> and there is a clash between the property objects they
contain, property objects contained in <DRM
Property Set>s referenced first in this ordered list have precedence
over those contained in <DRM Property
Set> instances that are referenced later.
Precedence will behave differently depending on the
multiplicity of the relationship that the attribute or metadata object in
question has with the containing <DRM
Geometry> or <DRM Feature>.
In the event of a clash, the following rules will apply based on this
- Zero or one:
The object contained directly by the <DRM
Geometry> or <DRM Feature>
is used. If the clash is between objects in <DRM
Property Set> s, the object contained in the <DRM Property Set> that is
referenced earliest in the list of <DRM
Property Set Index> objects is used.
- Zero or more:
Those objects contained directly by the <DRM
Geometry> or <DRM Feature> instances
are used, followed by those contained in the <DRM Property Set> instances, in the order
that the <DRM Property Set> instances
are referenced by the <DRM Geometry> or
<DRM Feature> instances.
- Zero or more {ordered}:
Those objects contained directly by the <DRM
Geometry> or <DRM Feature> instances
are used in order. Those contained in the <DRM
Property Set> instance referenced by the first <DRM Property Set Index>
object in the list are used, in order followed by those contained in the
<DRM Property Set> instance referenced by
the second <DRM Property Set
Index> object in the list, in order.
This is continued until there are no further objects in the
6.2.41 Primitive summary item constraints
The following constraints apply:
- An instance of <DRM
Primitive Summary Item> shall have a drm_class
field value corresponding to one of the following:
- <DRM Primitive Feature>
or one of its subclasses,
- <DRM Primitive
Geometry> or one of its subclasses, or
- classes that may legally appear in the component tree of a <DRM Primitive Feature>
or <DRM Primitive Geometry>
- For any <DRM
Primitive Summary Item>
instance B that is a component of another
<DRM Primitive Summary Item>
instance A, the drm_class
represented by B shall be specified
as a formal component of A, and the multiplicity of B shall comply with the corresponding
component relationship between the two classes.
- For any <DRM
Primitive Summary Item> component S of a
<DRM Environment Root>
instance ER, where the drm_class field corresponds to a class P, the component
tree of ER shall contain at least one instance of P, either in its
<DRM Feature Hierarchy>
instance, its
<DRM Geometry Hierarchy>
instance, or
both, such that the component tree of the instance of P conforms with the
pattern specified by S.
- For any <DRM
Primitive Summary Item> component S of a <DRM
Model> instance M, where the drm_class field corresponds
to a class P, the component tree of M shall contain at least one instance of P, in either
the <DRM Feature Hierarchy>
instance of
its <DRM Feature Model>
instance, the <DRM Geometry Hierarchy>
instance of its
<DRM Geometry Model>
instance, or
both, such that the component tree of the instance of P conforms with the
pattern specified by S.
- This constraint implicitly enjoins the constraint that an empty
<DRM Model> cannot
have <DRM Primitive Summary
Item> components.
6.2.42 Property characteristic constraints
Consider a <DRM
Property Characteristic> instance C and a <DRM Property> instance P such that C is a
component of P.
- The characteristic_value value_type of C shall correspond to the value
type imposed by P. In the case where P is a
<DRM Property Description> instance,
the value type of C shall be consistent with the constraints imposed
by the meaning of P.
- If C is not real valued, it shall not have EVC_TOLERANCE
as its meaning.
- Consider another, distinct <DRM
Property Characteristic> instance C2 that is also a component of P.
- The meaning field values of C and C2 shall be distinct.
- If C specifies EVC_MINIMUM_VALUE and C2 specifies
the characteristic_value of C shall be less than or equal to
that of C2.
6.2.43 Property meaning constraints
A <DRM Property
Value> instance shall have the field value
consistent with the field meaning.
Table Property Description> instance shall have the field value_type and the value_type field
elements of the corresponding elements of applicable <DRM Data Table> instances
consistent with the field meaning of the <DRM Table Property
Description> instance.
If any <DRM
Property> subclass instance specifies an EA or variable code of a value
type that is real in the meaning field, value_unit shall specify a unit belonging to the EDCS Unit
Equivalence Class to which the EA or variable code is bound.
6.2.44 Property set components
For a component X of a <DRM Property Set> instance P,
where X is an instance of a class that has a formal relationship with a
<DRM Feature Representation> class or that has a
formal relationship with a <DRM
Geometry Representation> class, but not both, the following conditions shall hold:
- Let F be an instance of a concrete subclass of
<DRM Feature
Representation> that references P such that the class of F is not defined to have a
formal relationship with the class of X. In this case, X shall be ignored when
considering the reference from F to P.
- Let G be an instance of a concrete subclass of
Geometry Representation> that references P such that the class of G is not defined to have a
formal relationship with the class of X. In this case, X shall be ignored when
considering the reference from G to P.
6.2.45 Property set table size
For a given <DRM
Property Set Table Group> instance G with table_size =
k, each <DRM Property Set Table>
component T of G shall have k <DRM
Property Set> components.
For any given T within G, if regular has value
TRUE, each of the k <DRM Property Set> components of T
shall contain the same number of DRM class instances, and these DRM class
instances shall belong to the same classes. If regular has value
FALSE for T, no such constraint shall hold.
6.2.46 Publishable object
DRM classes for which instances may be published can be identified from the
following list. Where the list specifies an abstract class, instances of all of
its subclasses may be published.
<DRM Aggregate Feature>
<DRM Aggregate Geometry>
<DRM Colour Table Group>
<DRM Environment Root>
<DRM Feature Model>
<DRM Feature Topology>
<DRM Geometry Model>
<DRM Geometry Topology>
<DRM Image>
<DRM Property Grid>
<DRM Property Grid Hook Point>
<DRM Property Set Table Group>
<DRM Property Table>
<DRM Sound>
<DRM Symbol>
6.2.47 Quadrant related
organizing principle
For any quad tree-related organization Q, whether a <DRM Quadrant Related
Features> or a <DRM
Quadrant Related Geometry>, the following constraints shall apply:
- Q shall have a <DRM
Spatial Extent> instance.
- Each branch of Q shall comply with the following constraints.
- Each component representing a quadrant shall have a <DRM Spatial Extent> component.
In the case of quadrants represented by
<DRM Geometry Model
Instance> or <DRM Feature
Model Instance> instances, the <DRM Model>
being referenced shall have the <DRM
Spatial Extent> component.
- The regions specified by the branches shall not overlap; that is, the <DRM Spatial Extent> components
of the component hierarchies shall not overlap.
The four possible quadrant components’ <DRM Spatial Extent> component shall be specified
in their native SRF within the area specified by the Q’s <DRM Spatial Extent> component as depicted in
5.4. Consider the bounding area specified by the <DRM Spatial Extent>
of Q, as divided into four quadrants of equal size.
- If a branch with quadrant of value
LEFT_BACK is present, its
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance
shall specify the area of the left back quadrant, such that:
- its right boundary aligns with the left boundary of the
<DRM Spatial Extent> instance of the
RIGHT_BACK quadrant, if present, and
- its front boundary aligns with the back boundary of the <DRM Spatial Extent>
instance of the LEFT_FRONT quadrant, if present.
- If a branch with quadrant RIGHT_BACK
is present, its <DRM Spatial Extent>
shall specify the area of the right back quadrant, such that:
- the <DRM Location> instance
representing its right back corner corresponds to that of the <DRM Spatial Extent> component of
- its left boundary aligns with the right boundary of the
<DRM Spatial Extent> component of the
LEFT_BACK quadrant, if present; and
- its front boundary aligns with the back boundary of the <DRM Spatial Extent> instance of the
RIGHT_FRONT quadrant, if present.
- If a branch with LEFT_FRONT is present, its
<DRM Spatial Extent>
component shall specify the area of the left front quadrant, such that:
- the <DRM Location>
instance representing its left front corner corresponds to that of the
<DRM Spatial Extent>
component of Q;
- its left boundary aligns with the right boundary of the <DRM Spatial Extent> component of the
RIGHT_FRONT quadrant, if present; and
- its back boundary aligns with the front boundary of the <DRM Spatial Extent> component
of the LEFT_BACK quadrant, if present.
- If a branch with RIGHT_FRONT is present, its
<DRM Spatial Extent> component
shall specify the area of the right front quadrant, such that:
- its left boundary aligns with the right boundary of the <DRM Spatial Extent> component of the
LEFT_FRONT quadrant, if present; and
- its back boundary aligns with the front boundary of the <DRM Spatial Extent>
component of the RIGHT_BACK quadrant, if present.
6.2.48 Reference to Data_Table_Library
The following conditions apply to instances of <DRM Property Table Reference>.
- The <DRM Property Table>
instance specified by the <DRM Property
Table Reference> instance shall be a component of a
<DRM Data Table Library>
- The <DRM Property Table>
instance shall contain a <DRM Axis>
instance whose axis_type corresponds to that specified by the
<DRM Property Table Reference>
- The <DRM Axis> instance thus specified
shall have axis_value_count greater than or equal to
(index_on_axis + 1), where index_on_axis
is that specified by the <DRM Property Table
Reference> instance.
6.2.49 Relative spatial axes values
The spatial axes values shall be relative to the location
specified in the <DRM Location> instance
associated with the <DRM
Property Grid Hook Point> instance.
6.2.50 Required reference vector location
Reference Vector> instance is required to have a <DRM
Location> component whenever the <DRM Reference Vector> is a
component of a <DRM Polygon>, <DRM Line>, <DRM Infinite Light>, <DRM Moving Light Behaviour>,
or <DRM Union Of Geometry> instance.
6.2.51 Separating
plane organizing principle
The following constraints apply:
- The <DRM Location 3D>
components of a <DRM Separating
Plane> instance shall specify a plane.
- For any <DRM
Separating Plane Related Geometry> instance S:
- No two <DRM
Separating Plane Relations> components of S shall specify coplanar
<DRM Separating Plane> instances.
- For each component <DRM
Separating Plane Relations> R of S:
- Every primitive within each branch of R shall have a spatial extent
overlapping that of the half-space specified by the branch.
- If S’s strict_organizing_principle has value,
every primitive within each branch of R shall have a spatial extent fully contained
within the half-space specified by the
<DRM Separating Plane Data>
instance corresponding to the branch. If S’s
strict_organizing_principle has value
FALSE, no guarantees exist as to how accurately the objects
of the component tree rooted at S were placed into their sorted “bins”,
apart from that specified by b.2.i above.
6.2.52 Spatial index
related organizing principle
The following constraints apply:
- For any spatial index related organization S,
- the column_width of S shall be a positive number;
- the row_width of S shall be a positive number; and
- For each branch of the organization, the corresponding
<DRM Spatial Index Data> instance
shall specify a region in the spatial index, such that:
- the column_index of the
<DRM Spatial Index Data>
instance shall be between 1 and the column_count
specified by S;
- The row_index of the
<DRM Spatial Index Data> instance
shall be between 1 and the row_count specified by S; and
- each primitive within the branch shall have a spatial extent overlapping
that specified by the <DRM Spatial
Index Data> instance of the branch.
- Consider an instance S, which is either a
<DRM Spatial Index
Related Features> or <DRM
Spatial Index Related Geometry> instance.
- If S’s strict_organizing_principle has value
TRUE, for each branch of S, each primitive within the branch
shall have a spatial extent fully contained within that specified by the
<DRM Spatial Index Data>
instance corresponding to the branch.
- If S’s strict_organizing_principle
has value FALSE, no guarantees exist as to how
accurately the instances of the component tree rooted at S were placed into
their “sorted bins” (the branches of S), apart from that specified by b.1
- If S is a <DRM
Spatial Index Related Features> instance, and the same
<DRM Feature
Representation> instance belongs to more
than one of its branches, the unique_descendants and
strict_organizing_principle fields of S shall be set to
- If S is a <DRM
Spatial Index Related Geometry>
instance, and the same <DRM Geometry
instance belongs to more than one of its branches, the
unique_descendants and
strict_organizing_principle fields of S shall be set to
6.2.53 State
related organizing principle
For any state-related aggregation S, whether a <DRM State Related Features>
or a <DRM State Related
Geometry>, the following constraints apply:
- The state tag of S shall specify an EA T that is
bound either to the abstract value type ENUMERATION
or to a numeric value type. In the latter case, T shall be bound to the
EDCS Unit Equivalence class PURE_NUMBER such that the
state values of S are specified in EUC_PERCENT units with
- Each branch of S shall comply with the following constraints:
- The <DRM State Data> instance
associated with that branch shall have a state_value whose
value_type matches that of S’s
- The <DRM State Data> instance
associated with that branch shall have a state_value
that does not overlap with that of any other branch’s
<DRM State Data> instance within
- If S has a <DRM State
Control Link> instance as a component, the return type of each of the <DRM Expression> components of the
<DRM State Control Link> instance
shall match that of the value_type
of the active_state_value field of S.
6.2.54 Time dependency
<DRM Relative Time>, <DRM Absolute Time Interval>,
and <DRM Relative Time
Interval> instances may each have a component
<DRM Absolute Time> instance,
and the constraints on their field values depend on the value of the
<DRM Absolute Time>
component, when it is present, subject to the following constraints:
- If a
<DRM Absolute Time> instance is present with a time configuration value specifying that the
day field is not applicable:
- for <DRM Absolute
Time Interval> and <DRM Relative Time> instances, delta_days
shall have value 0.
- for <DRM Relative
Time Interval> instances, delta_start_days
and delta_stop_days shall both be set to 0.
- For <DRM Absolute
Time Interval> and <DRM Relative Time> instances, if a
<DRM Absolute Time> instance
is present with a time configuration value indicating that the day field is in use but that the month
field is not in use, delta_days shall be in the range
(1 - day) to (30 - day) where
day is the day field of the
<DRM Absolute Time>
instance. For this case, delta_days is allowed to be negative.
- For <DRM Absolute
Time Interval> and <DRM Relative Time> instances, if a
<DRM Absolute Time> instance is present with a time configuration value of
DAY_OF_YEAR, delta_days shall be in
the range [0, 365].
6.2.55 Time interval calculation
A <DRM Time
Interval> instance that is referenced to a <DRM Absolute Time Point> instance with
a time configuration value indicating that month is not supplied
is treated as having a thirty-day month, such that its fields shall specify an interval not
exceeding a thirty day period. See item b of 6.2.55 Time dependency.
A <DRM Time
Interval> instance that is referenced to a <DRM Absolute Time Point> instance with
a time configuration value indicating that month is supplied shall be
calculated using the actual number of days in that month. In the case of
month having value FEBRUARY for a
configuration where year is not supplied, the number of days in the month shall
be treated as 28.
6.2.56 Variable meaning constraints
The following constraints apply to a <DRM Variable> instance:
- The value_type field shall be consistent with the
meaning field.
- If an EA or variable code of a value type that represents real numbers is
specified in the meaning field,
value_unit shall specify a unit belonging to the
EDCS Unit Equivalence Class to which the EA or
variable code is bound.
- If an EA or variable code not of value type that represents a real number is
specified in the meaning field,
value_unit shall specify Unitless
and value_scale shall specify Uni.
6.3 DRM class specifications
6.3.1 Overview
Each of the DRM classes below specifies the form for the
data structures required by this part of ISO/IEC 18023. These specifications can be hierarchical in
nature and may have dependencies among themselves. DRM class names are formed
starting with the fixed letters “DRM_” followed by each subsequent word
starting with an upper case character with all other characters in the word in
lower case. Words are separated by underscores.
Certain DRM classes are only instantiated through their
subclasses. These DRM classes are identified by the use of italics for their
names. These DRM classes are termed abstract DRM classes. All other DRM
classes are termed concrete DRM classes. While DRM class instances
of abstract DRM classes never exist independently, a handle data type exists
for accessing DRM class instances that may be a member of any of the subclasses
(see 5.4.3 Object).
Examples that show values for record types will display
those values enclosed in braces.
The subclauses below present the DRM class specifications in
alphabetical order.
6.3.2 DRM_Absolute_Time
DRM class DRM_Absolute_Time is specified in Table 6.3 — DRM_Absolute_Time.
6.3.3 DRM_Absolute_Time_Interval
DRM class DRM_Absolute_Time_Interval is specified in Table 6.4 — DRM_Absolute_Time_Interval.
6.3.4 DRM_Access
DRM class DRM_Access is specified in Table 6.5 — DRM_Access.
6.3.5 DRM_Aggregate_Feature
DRM class DRM_Aggregate_Feature is specified in Table 6.6 — DRM_Aggregate_Feature.
6.3.6 DRM_Aggregate_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Aggregate_Geometry is specified in Table 6.7 — DRM_Aggregate_Geometry.
6.3.7 DRM_Alternate_Hierarchy_Related_Features
DRM class DRM_Alternate_Hierarchy_Related_Features is specified in Table 6.8 — DRM_Alternate_Hierarchy_Related_Features.
6.3.8 DRM_Alternate_Hierarchy_Related_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Alternate_Hierarchy_Related_Geometry is specified in Table 6.9 — DRM_Alternate_Hierarchy_Related_Geometry.
6.3.9 DRM_Ambient_Colour
DRM class DRM_Ambient_Colour is specified in Table 6.10 — DRM_Ambient_Colour.
6.3.10 DRM_Animation_Behaviour
DRM class DRM_Animation_Behaviour is specified in Table 6.11 — DRM_Animation_Behaviour.
6.3.11 DRM_Animation_Related_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Animation_Related_Geometry
is specified in Table 6.12 — DRM_Animation_Related_Geometry.
6.3.12 DRM_Arc
DRM class DRM_Arc is specified in Table 6.13 — DRM_Arc.
6.3.13 DRM_Areal_Feature
DRM class DRM_Areal_Feature is specified in Table 6.14 — DRM_Areal_Feature.
6.3.14 DRM_Attachment_Point
DRM class DRM_Attachment_Point is specified in Table 6.15 — DRM_Attachment_Point.
6.3.15 DRM_Axis
DRM class DRM_Axis is specified in Table 6.16 — DRM_Axis.
6.3.16 DRM_AZ_2D_Location
DRM class DRM_AZ_2D_Location is specified in Table 6.17 — DRM_AZ_2D_Location.
6.3.17 DRM_Base_Association_Data
DRM class DRM_Base_Association_Data is specified in
Table 6.18 — DRM_Base_Association_Data.
6.3.18 DRM_Base_LOD_Data
DRM class DRM_Base_LOD_Data
is specified in Table 6.19 — DRM_Base_LOD_Data.
6.3.19 DRM_Base_Positional_Light
DRM class DRM_Base_Positional_Light is specified in Table 6.20 — DRM_Base_Positional_Light.
6.3.20 DRM_Base_Spatial_Association_Data
DRM class DRM_Base_Spatial_Association_Data is specified in
Table 6.21 — DRM_Base_Spatial_Association_Data.
6.3.21 DRM_Base_Summary_Item
DRM class DRM_Base_Summary_Item is specified in Table 6.22 — DRM_Base_Summary_Item.
6.3.22 DRM_Base_Time_Data
DRM class DRM_Base_Time_Data is specified in Table 6.23 — DRM_Base_Time_Data.
6.3.23 DRM_Blend_Directional_Light
DRM class DRM_Blend_Directional_Light is specified in Table 6.24 — DRM_Blend_Directional_Light.
6.3.24 DRM_Bounding_Volume
DRM class DRM_Bounding_Volume is specified in Table 6.25 — DRM_Bounding_Volume.
6.3.25 DRM_Browse_Media
DRM class DRM_Browse_Media is specified in Table 6.26 — DRM_Browse_Media.
6.3.26 DRM_Camera_Point
DRM class DRM_Camera_Point is specified in Table 6.27 — DRM_Camera_Point.
6.3.27 DRM_CC_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_CC_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.28 — DRM_CC_3D_Location
6.3.28 DRM_CD_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_CD_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.29 — DRM_CD_3D_Location.
6.3.29 DRM_CD_Surface_Location
DRM class DRM_CD_Surface_Location is specified in Table 6.30 — DRM_CD_Surface_Location.
6.3.30 DRM_Citation
DRM class DRM_Citation is specified in Table 6.31 — DRM_Citation.
6.3.31 DRM_Classification_Data
DRM class DRM_Classification_Data is specified in Table 6.32 — DRM_Classification_Data.
6.3.32 DRM_Classification_Related_Features
DRM class DRM_Classification_Related_Features is specified
in Table 6.33 — DRM_Classification_Related_Features.
6.3.33 DRM_Classification_Related_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Classification_Related_Geometry
is specified in Table 6.34 — DRM_Classification_Related_Geometry.
6.3.34 DRM_CM_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_CM_Location is specified in Table 6.35 — DRM_CM_Location.
6.3.35 DRM_CMY_Colour
DRM class DRM_CMY_Colour is specified in Table 6.36 — DRM_CMY_Colour.
6.3.36 DRM_CMY_Colour_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_CMY_Colour_Control_Link is specified in Table 6.37 — DRM_CMY_Colour_Control_Link.
6.3.37 DRM_Collision_Volume
DRM class DRM_Collision_Volume is specified in Table 6.38 — DRM_Collision_Volume.
6.3.38 DRM_Colour
DRM class DRM_Colour is specified in Table 6.39 —
6.3.39 DRM_Colour_Data
DRM class DRM_Colour_Data is specified in Table 6.40 — DRM_Colour_Data.
6.3.40 DRM_Colour_Index
DRM class DRM_Colour_Index is specified in Table 6.41 — DRM_Colour_Index.
6.3.41 DRM_Colour_Index_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_Colour_Index_Control_Link
is specified in Table 6.42 — DRM_Colour_Index_Control_Link.
6.3.42 DRM_Colour_Shininess
DRM class DRM_Colour_Shininess is specified in Table 6.43 — DRM_Colour_Shininess.
6.3.43 DRM_Colour_Table
DRM class DRM_Colour_Table is specified in Table 6.44 — DRM_Colour_Table.
6.3.44 DRM_Colour_Table_Group
DRM class DRM_Colour_Table_Group is specified in Table 6.45 — DRM_Colour_Table_Group.
6.3.45 DRM_Colour_Table_Library
DRM class DRM_Colour_Table_Library is specified in Table 6.46 — DRM_Colour_Table_Library.
6.3.46 DRM_Cone_Directional_Light
DRM class DRM_Colour_Table_Library is specified in Table 6.47 — DRM_Cone_Directional_Light.
6.3.47 DRM_Conformal_Behaviour
DRM class DRM_Conformal_Behaviour is specified in Table 6.48 — DRM_Conformal_Behaviour.
6.3.48 DRM_Contact_Point
DRM class DRM_Contact_Point. is specified in Table 6.49 — DRM_Contact_Point.
6.3.49 DRM_Continuous_LOD_Related_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Continuous_LOD_Related_Geometry
is specified in Table 6.50 — DRM_Continuous_LOD_Related_Geometry.
6.3.50 DRM_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_Control_Link is specified in Table 6.51 — DRM_Control_Link.
6.3.51 DRM_Cross_Reference
DRM class DRM_Cross_Reference
is specified in Table 6.52 — DRM_Cross_Reference.
6.3.52 DRM_Cylindrical_Volume_Extent
DRM class DRM_Cylindrical_Volume_Extent
is specified in Table 6.53 — DRM_Cylindrical_Volume_Extent.
6.3.53 DRM_Data_Quality
DRM class DRM_Data_Quality is specified in Table 6.54
— DRM_Data_Quality.
6.3.54 DRM_Data_Table
DRM class DRM_Data_Table is specified in Table 6.55 — DRM_Data_Table.
6.3.55 DRM_Data_Table_Library
DRM class DRM_Data_Table_Library is specified in Table 6.56 — DRM_Data_Table_Library.
6.3.56 DRM_Description
DRM class DRM_Description is specified in Table 6.57 — DRM_Description.
6.3.57 DRM_Diffuse_Colour
DRM class DRM_Diffuse_Colour is specified in Table 6.58 — DRM_Diffuse_Colour.
6.3.58 DRM_Directional_Light_Behaviour
DRM class DRM_Directional_Light_Behaviour
is specified in Table 6.59 — DRM_Directional_Light_Behaviour.
6.3.59 DRM_Distance_LOD_Data
DRM class DRM_Distance_LOD_Data
is specified in Table 6.60 — DRM_Distance_LOD_Data.
6.3.60 DRM_DRM_Class_Summary_Item
DRM class DRM_DRM_Class_Summary_Item
is specified in Table 6.61 — DRM_DRM_Class_Summary_Item.
6.3.61 DRM_EC_Augmented_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_EC_Augmented_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.62 — DRM_EC_Augmented_3D_Location.
6.3.62 DRM_EC_Surface_Location
DRM class DRM_EC_Surface_Location is specified in Table 6.63 — DRM_EC_Surface_Location.
6.3.63 DRM_EDCS_Use_Summary_Item
DRM class DRM_EDCS_Use_Summary_Item
is specified in Table 6.64 — DRM_EDCS_Use_Summary_Item.
6.3.64 DRM_Edge_Direction
DRM class DRM_Edge_Direction is specified in Table 6.65 — DRM_Edge_Direction.
6.3.65 DRM_EI_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_EI_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.66 — DRM_EI_3D_Location.
6.3.66 DRM_Ellipse
DRM class DRM_Ellipse is specified in Table 6.67 — DRM_Ellipse.
6.3.67 DRM_Emissive_Colour
DRM class DRM_Emissive_Colour is specified in Table 6.68 — DRM_Emissive_Colour.
6.3.68 DRM_Enumeration_Axis
DRM class DRM_Enumeration_Axis is specified in Table 6.69 — DRM_Enumeration_Axis.
6.3.69 DRM_Environment_Root
DRM class DRM_Environment_Root is specified in Table 6.70 — DRM_Environment_Root.
6.3.70 DRM_Environmental_Domain_Summary
DRM class DRM_Environmental_Domain_Summary
is specified in Table 6.71 — DRM_Environmental_Domain_Summary.
6.3.71 DRM_Expression
DRM class DRM_Expression is specified in Table 6.72 — DRM_Expression.
6.3.72 DRM_Face_Direction
DRM class DRM_Face_Direction is specified in Table 6.73 — DRM_Face_Direction.
6.3.73 DRM_Fade_Range
DRM class DRM_Fade_Range is specified in Table 6.74 — DRM_Fade_Range.
6.3.74 DRM_Feature_Edge
DRM class DRM_Feature_Edge is specified in Table 6.75 — DRM_Feature_Edge.
6.3.75 DRM_Feature_Face
DRM class DRM_Feature_Face is specified in Table 6.76 — DRM_Feature_Face.
6.3.76 DRM_Feature_Face_Ring
DRM class DRM_Feature_Face_Ring is specified in Table 6.77 — DRM_Feature_Face_Ring.
6.3.77 DRM_Feature_Hierarchy
DRM class DRM_Feature_Hierarchy is specified in Table 6.78 — DRM_Feature_Hierarchy.
6.3.78 DRM_Feature_Model
DRM class DRM_Feature_Model is specified in Table 6.79 — DRM_Feature_Model.
6.3.79 DRM_Feature_Model_Instance
DRM class DRM_Feature_Model_Instance is specified in Table 6.80 — DRM_Feature_Model_Instance.
6.3.80 DRM_Feature_Node
DRM class DRM_Feature_Node is specified in Table 6.81 — DRM_Feature_Node.
6.3.81 DRM_Feature_Representation
DRM class DRM_Feature_Representation is specified in
Table 6.82 — DRM_Feature_Representation.
6.3.82 DRM_Feature_Topology
DRM class DRM_Feature_Topology is specified in Table 6.83 — DRM_Feature_Topology.
6.3.83 DRM_Feature_Topology_Hierarchy
DRM class DRM_Feature_Topology_Hierarchy
is specified in Table 6.84 — DRM_Feature_Topology_Hierarchy.
6.3.84 DRM_Feature_Volume
DRM class DRM_Feature_Volume is specified in Table 6.85 — DRM_Feature_Volume.
6.3.85 DRM_Feature_Volume_Shell
DRM class DRM_Feature_Volume_Shell is specified in Table 6.86 — DRM_Feature_Volume_Shell.
6.3.86 DRM_Finite_Element_Mesh
DRM class DRM_Finite_Element_Mesh is specified in Table 6.87 — DRM_Finite_Element_Mesh.
6.3.87 DRM_Flashing_Light_Behaviour
DRM class DRM_Flashing_Light_Behaviour
is specified in Table 6.88 — DRM_Flashing_Light_Behaviour.
6.3.88 DRM_Function
DRM class DRM_Function is specified in Table 6.89 — DRM_Function.
6.3.89 DRM_Functional_Association_Data
DRM class DRM_Functional_Association_Data is specified in
Table 6.90 — DRM_Functional_Association_Data.
6.3.90 DRM_Geometric_Centre
DRM class DRM_Geometric_Centre is specified in Table 6.91 — DRM_Geometric_Centre.
6.3.91 DRM_Geometry_Edge
DRM class DRM_Geometry_Edge is specified in Table 6.92 — DRM_Geometry_Edge.
6.3.92 DRM_Geometry_Face
DRM class DRM_Geometry_Face is specified in Table 6.93 — DRM_Geometry_Face.
6.3.93 DRM_Geometry_Hierarchy
DRM class DRM_Geometry_Hierarchy is specified in Table 6.94 — DRM_Geometry_Hierarchy.
6.3.94 DRM_Geometry_Model
DRM class DRM_Geometry_Model is specified in Table 6.95 — DRM_Geometry_Model.
6.3.95 DRM_Geometry_Model_Instance
DRM class DRM_Geometry_Model_Instance
is specified in Table 6.96 — DRM_Geometry_Model_Instance.
6.3.96 DRM_Geometry_Node
DRM class DRM_Geometry_Node is specified in Table 6.97 — DRM_Geometry_Node.
6.3.97 DRM_Geometry_Representation
DRM class DRM_Geometry_Representation is specified in
Table 6.98 — DRM_Geometry_Representation.
6.3.98 DRM_Geometry_Topology
DRM class DRM_Geometry_Topology is specified in Table 6.99 — DRM_Geometry_Topology.
6.3.99 DRM_Geometry_Topology_Hierarchy
DRM class DRM_Geometry_Topology_Hierarchy
is specified in Table 6.100 — DRM_Geometry_Topology_Hierarchy.
6.3.100 DRM_Geometry_Volume
DRM class DRM_Geometry_Volume is specified in Table 6.101 — DRM_Geometry_Volume.
6.3.101 DRM_Grid_Overlap
DRM class DRM_Grid_Overlap is specified in Table 6.102 — DRM_Grid_Overlap.
6.3.102 DRM_HAEC_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_HAEC_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.103 — DRM_HAEC_3D_Location.
6.3.103 DRM_HEEC_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_HEEC_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.104 — DRM_HEEC_3D_Location.
6.3.104 DRM_HEEQ_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_HEEQ_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.105 — DRM_HEEQ_3D_Location.
6.3.105 DRM_Hierarchy_Data
DRM class DRM_Hierarchy_Data is specified in Table 6.106 — DRM_Hierarchy_Data.
6.3.106 DRM_Hierarchy_Summary_Item
DRM class DRM_Hierarchy_Summary_Item
is specified in Table 6.107 — DRM_Hierarchy_Summary_Item.
6.3.107 DRM_HSV_Colour
DRM class DRM_HSV_Colour is specified in Table 6.108 — DRM_HSV_Colour.
6.3.108 DRM_HSV_Colour_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_HSV_Colour_Control_Link
is specified in Table 6.109 — DRM_HSV_Colour_Control_Link.
6.3.109 DRM_Icon
DRM class DRM_Icon is specified in Table 6.110 — DRM_Icon.
6.3.110 DRM_Image
DRM class DRM_Image is specified in Table 6.111 — DRM_Image.
6.3.111 DRM_Image_Anchor
DRM class DRM_Image_Anchor is specified in Table 6.112 — DRM_Image_Anchor.
6.3.112 DRM_Image_Library
DRM class DRM_Image_Library is specified in Table 6.113 — DRM_Image_Library.
6.3.113 DRM_Image_Lookup
DRM class DRM_Image_Lookup is specified in Table 6.114 — DRM_Image_Lookup.
6.3.114 DRM_Image_Mapping_Function
DRM class DRM_Image_Mapping_Function
is specified in Table 6.115 — DRM_Image_Mapping_Function.
6.3.115 DRM_In_Out
DRM class DRM_In_Out is specified in Table 6.116 — DRM_In_Out.
6.3.116 DRM_Index_LOD_Data
DRM class DRM_Index_LOD_Data
is specified in Table 6.117 — DRM_Index_LOD_Data.
6.3.117 DRM_Infinite_Light
DRM class DRM_Infinite_Light is specified in Table 6.118 — DRM_Infinite_Light.
6.3.118 DRM_Inline_Colour
DRM class DRM_Inline_Colour is specified in Table 6.119 — DRM_Inline_Colour.
6.3.119 DRM_Interface_Template
DRM class DRM_Interface_Template is specified in Table 6.120 — DRM_Interface_Template.
6.3.120 DRM_Interval_Axis
DRM class DRM_Interval_Axis is specified in
Table 6.121 — DRM_Interval_Axis.
6.3.121 DRM_Irregular_Axis
DRM class DRM_Irregular_Axis is specified in Table 6.122 — DRM_Irregular_Axis.
6.3.122 DRM_Keywords
DRM class DRM_Keywords is specified in Table 6.123 — DRM_Keywords.
6.3.123 DRM_Label
DRM class DRM_Label is specified in Table 6.124 — DRM_Label.
6.3.124 DRM_LCC_Augmented_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_LCC_Augmented_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.125 — DRM_LCC_Augmented_3D_Location.
6.3.125 DRM_LCC_Surface_Location
DRM class DRM_LCC_Surface_Location is specified in Table 6.126 — DRM_LCC_Surface_Location.
6.3.126 DRM_Library
DRM class DRM_Library is specified in Table 6.127 — DRM_Library.
6.3.127 DRM_Light_Rendering_Behaviour
DRM class DRM_Light_Rendering_Behaviour
is specified in Table 6.128 — DRM_Light_Rendering_Behaviour.
6.3.128 DRM_Light_Rendering_Properties
DRM class DRM_Light_Rendering_Properties
is specified in Table 6.129 — DRM_Light_Rendering_Properties.
6.3.129 DRM_Light_Rendering_Properties_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_Light_Rendering_Properties_Control_Link
is specified in Table 6.130 — DRM_Light_Rendering_Properties_Control_Link.
6.3.130 DRM_Light_Source
DRM class DRM_Light_Source is specified in Table 6.131 — DRM_Light_Source.
6.3.131 DRM_Light_Source_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_Light_Source_Control_Link
is specified in Table 6.132 — DRM_Light_Source_Control_Link.
6.3.132 DRM_Line
DRM class DRM_Line is specified in Table 6.133 — DRM_Line.
6.3.133 DRM_Lineage
DRM class DRM_Lineage is specified in Table 6.134 — DRM_Lineage.
6.3.134 DRM_Linear_Feature
DRM class DRM_Linear_Feature is specified in Table 6.135 — DRM_Linear_Feature.
6.3.135 DRM_Linear_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Linear_Geometry is specified in Table 6.136 — DRM_Linear_Geometry.
6.3.136 DRM_Literal
DRM class DRM_Literal is specified in Table 6.137 — DRM_Literal.
6.3.137 DRM_Lobe_Data
DRM class DRM_Lobe_Data is specified in Table 6.138 — DRM_Lobe_Data.
6.3.138 DRM_Local_4x4
DRM class DRM_Local_4x4 is specified in Table 6.139 — DRM_Local_4x4.
6.3.139 DRM_Location
DRM class DRM_Location is specified in Table 6.140 — DRM_Location.
6.3.140 DRM_Location_2D
DRM class DRM_Location_2D is specified in
Table 6.141 — DRM_Location_2D.
6.3.141 DRM_Location_3D
DRM class DRM_Location_3D is specified in
Table 6.142 — DRM_Location_3D.
6.3.142 DRM_Location_Surface
DRM class DRM_Location_Surface is specified in
Table 6.143 — DRM_Location_Surface.
6.3.143 DRM_LOD_Related_Features
DRM class DRM_LOD_Related_Features
is specified in Table 6.144 — DRM_LOD_Related_Features.
6.3.144 DRM_LOD_Related_Geometry
DRM class DRM_LOD_Related_Geometry
is specified in Table 6.145 — DRM_LOD_Related_Geometry.
6.3.145 DRM_LSR_2D_Location
DRM class DRM_LSR_2D_Location is specified in Table 6.146 — DRM_LSR_2D_Location.
6.3.146 DRM_LSR_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_LSR_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.147 — DRM_LSR_3D_Location.
6.3.147 DRM_LSR_3D_Location_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_LSR_3D_Location_Control_Link
is specified in Table 6.148 — DRM_LSR_3D_Location_Control_Link.
6.3.148 DRM_LSR_Transformation
DRM class DRM_LSR_Transformation is specified in Table 6.149 — DRM_LSR_Transformation.
6.3.149 DRM_LSR_Transformation_Step
DRM class DRM_LSR_Transformation_Step
is specified in Table 6.150 — DRM_LSR_Transformation_Step.
6.3.150 DRM_LTSAS_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_LTSAS_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.151 —
6.3.151 DRM_LTSAS_Surface_Location
DRM class DRM_LTSAS_Surface_Location is specified in
Table 6.152 — DRM_LTSAS_Surface_Location.
6.3.152 DRM_LTSC_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_LTSC_3D_Location is specified in
Table 6.153 — DRM_LTSC_3D_Location.
6.3.153 DRM_LTSC_Surface_Location
DRM class DRM_LTSC_Surface_Location is specified in
Table 6.154 — DRM_LTSC_Surface_Location.
6.3.154 DRM_LTSE_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_LTSE_3D_Location is specified in
Table 6.155 — DRM_LTSE_3D_Location.
6.3.155 DRM_LTSE_Surface_Location
DRM class DRM_LTSE_Surface_Location is specified in
Table 6.156 — DRM_LTSE_Surface_Location.
6.3.156 DRM_M_Augmented_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_M_Augmented_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.157 — DRM_M_Augmented_3D_Location.
6.3.157 DRM_M_Surface_Location
DRM class DRM_M_Surface_Location is specified in Table 6.158 — DRM_M_Surface_Location.
6.3.158 DRM_Map_Scale_LOD_Data
DRM class DRM_Map_Scale_LOD_Data
is specified in Table 6.159 — DRM_Map_Scale_LOD_Data.
6.3.159 DRM_Mesh_Face_Table
DRM class DRM_Mesh_Face_Table is specified in Table 6.160 — DRM_Mesh_Face_Table.
6.3.160 DRM_Model
DRM class DRM_Model is specified in Table 6.161 — DRM_Model.
6.3.161 DRM_Model_Instance_Template_Index
DRM class DRM_Model_Instance_Template_Index
is specified in Table 6.162 — DRM_Model_Instance_Template_Index.
6.3.162 DRM_Model_Library
DRM class DRM_Model_Library is specified in Table 6.163 — DRM_Model_Library.
6.3.163 DRM_Moving_Light_Behaviour
DRM class DRM_Moving_Light_Behaviour
is specified in Table 6.164 — DRM_Moving_Light_Behaviour.
6.3.164 DRM_Octant_Data
DRM class DRM_Octant_Data is specified in Table 6.165 — DRM_Octant_Data.
6.3.165 DRM_Octant_Related_Features
DRM class DRM_Octant_Related_Features
is specified in Table 6.166 — DRM_Octant_Related_Features.
6.3.166 DRM_Octant_Related_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Octant_Related_Geometry
is specified in Table 6.167 — DRM_Octant_Related_Geometry.
6.3.167 DRM_OM_Augmented_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_OM_Augmented_3D_LocationD is specified in Table 6.168 — DRM_OM_Augmented_3D_Location.
6.3.168 DRM_OM_Surface_Location
DRM class DRM_OM_Surface_Location is specified in Table 6.169 — DRM_OM_Surface_Location.
6.3.169 DRM_Overload_Priority_Index
DRM class DRM_Overload_Priority_Index is specified in Table 6.170 — DRM_Overload_Priority_Index.
6.3.170 DRM_Parallelepiped_Volume_Extent
DRM class DRM_Parallelepiped_Volume_Extent
is specified in Table 6.171 — DRM_Parallelepiped_Volume_Extent.
6.3.171 DRM_Perimeter_Data
DRM class DRM_Perimeter_Data is specified in Table 6.172 — DRM_Perimeter_Data.
6.3.172 DRM_Perimeter_Related_Feature_Topology
DRM class DRM_Perimeter_Related_Feature_Topology
is specified in Table 6.173 — DRM_Perimeter_Related_Feature_Topology.
6.3.173 DRM_Perimeter_Related_Features
DRM class DRM_Perimeter_Related_Features
is specified in Table 6.174 — DRM_Perimeter_Related_Features.
6.3.174 DRM_Perimeter_Related_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Perimeter_Related_Geometry
is specified in Table 6.175 — DRM_Perimeter_Related_Geometry.
6.3.175 DRM_Perimeter_Related_Geometry_Topology
DRM class DRM_Perimeter_Related_Geometry_Topology
is specified in Table 6.176 — DRM_Perimeter_Related_Geometry_Topology.
6.3.176 DRM_Point
DRM class DRM_Point is specified in Table 6.177 — DRM_Point.
6.3.177 DRM_Point_Feature
DRM class DRM_Point_Feature is specified in Table 6.178 — DRM_Point_Feature.
6.3.178 DRM_Polar_2D_Location
DRM class DRM_Polar_2D_Locatione is specified in Table 6.179 — DRM_Polar_2D_Location.
6.3.179 DRM_Polygon
DRM class DRM_Polygon is specified in Table 6.180 — DRM_Polygon.
6.3.180 DRM_Polygon_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_Polygon_Control_Link is specified in Table 6.181 — DRM_Polygon_Control_Link.
6.3.181 DRM_Polyhedron
DRM class DRM_Polyhedron is specified in Table 6.182 — DRM_Polyhedron.
6.3.182 DRM_Positional_Light
DRM class DRM_Positional_Light is specified in Table 6.183 — DRM_Positional_Light.
6.3.183 DRM_Predefined_Function
DRM class DRM_Predefined_Function is specified in Table 6.184 — DRM_Predefined_Function.
6.3.184 DRM_Presentation_Domain
DRM class DRM_Presentation_Domain is specified in Table 6.185 — DRM_Presentation_Domain.
6.3.185 DRM_Primitive_Colour
DRM class DRM_Primitive_Colour is specified in Table 6.186 — DRM_Primitive_Colour.
6.3.186 DRM_Primitive_Feature
DRM class DRM_Primitive_Feature is specified in Table 6.187 — DRM_Primitive_Feature.
6.3.187 DRM_Primitive_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Primitive_Geometry is specified in Table 6.188 — DRM_Primitive_Geometry.
6.3.188 DRM_Primitive_Summary_Item
DRM class DRM_Primitive_Summary_Item
is specified in Table 6.189 — DRM_Primitive_Summary_Item.
6.3.189 DRM_Process_Step
DRM class DRM_Process_Step is specified in Table 6.190 — DRM_Process_Step.
6.3.190 DRM_Property
DRM class DRM_Property is specified in Table 6.191 — DRM_Property.
6.3.191 DRM_Property_Characteristic
DRM class DRM_Property_Characteristic is specified in Table 6.192 — DRM_Property_Characteristic.
6.3.192 DRM_Property_Description
DRM class DRM_Property_Description is specified in Table 6.193 — DRM_Property_Description.
6.3.193 DRM_Property_Grid
DRM class DRM_Property_Grid is specified in Table 6.194 — DRM_Property_Grid.
6.3.194 DRM_Property_Grid_Hook_Point
DRM class DRM_Property_Grid_Hook_Point
is specified in Table 6.195 — DRM_Property_Grid_Hook_Point.
6.3.195 DRM_Property_Set
DRM class DRM_Property_Set is specified in Table 6.196 — DRM_Property_Set.
6.3.196 DRM_Property_Set_Index
DRM class DRM_Property_Set_Index is specified in Table 6.197 — DRM_Property_Set_Index.
6.3.197 DRM_Property_Set_Index_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_Property_Set_Index_Control_Link
is specified in Table 6.198 — DRM_Property_Set_Index_Control_Link.
6.3.198 DRM_Property_Set_Table
DRM class DRM_Property_Set_Table is specified in Table 6.199 — DRM_Property_Set_Table.
6.3.199 DRM_Property_Set_Table_Group
DRM class DRM_Property_Set_Table_Group
is specified in Table 6.200 — DRM_Property_Set_Table_Group.
6.3.200 DRM_Property_Set_Table_Library
DRM class DRM_Property_Set_Table_Library
is specified in Table 6.201 — DRM_Property_Set_Table_Library.
6.3.201 DRM_Property_Table
DRM class DRM_Property_Table is specified in Table 6.202 — DRM_Property_Table.
6.3.202 DRM_Property_Table_Reference
DRM class DRM_Property_Table_Reference
is specified in Table 6.203 — DRM_Property_Table_Reference.
6.3.203 DRM_Property_Table_Reference_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_Property_Table_Reference_Control_Link
is specified in Table 6.204 — DRM_Property_Table_Reference_Control_Link.
6.3.204 DRM_Property_Value
DRM class DRM_Property_Value is specified in Table 6.205 — DRM_Property_Value.
6.3.205 DRM_Proximity_Data
DRM class DRM_Proximity_Data is specified in
Table 6.206 — DRM_Proximity_Data.
6.3.206 DRM_PS_Augmented_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_PS_Augmented_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.207 — DRM_PS_Augmented_3D_Location.
6.3.207 DRM_PS_Surface_Location
DRM class DRM_PS_Surface_Location is specified in Table 6.208 — DRM_PS_Surface_Location.
6.3.208 DRM_Pseudo_Code_Function
DRM class DRM_Pseudo_Code_Function is specified in Table 6.209 — DRM_Pseudo_Code_Function.
6.3.209 DRM_Pyramid_Directional_Light
DRM class DRM_Pyramid_Directional_Light
is specified in Table 6.210 — DRM_Pyramid_Directional_Light.
6.3.210 DRM_Quadrant_Data
DRM class DRM_Quadrant_Data is specified in Table 6.211 — DRM_Quadrant_Data.
6.3.211 DRM_Quadrant_Related_Features
DRM class DRM_Quadrant_Related_Features
is specified in Table 6.212 — DRM_Quadrant_Related_Features.
6.3.212 DRM_Quadrant_Related_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Quadrant_Related_Geometry
is specified in Table 6.213 — DRM_Quadrant_Related_Geometry.
6.3.213 DRM_Reference_Origin
DRM class DRM_Reference_Origin is specified in Table 6.214 — DRM_Reference_Origin.
6.3.214 DRM_Reference_Surface
DRM class DRM_Reference_Surface is specified in Table 6.215 — DRM_Reference_Surface.
6.3.215 DRM_Reference_Vector
DRM class DRM_Reference_Vector is specified in Table 6.216 — DRM_Reference_Vector.
6.3.216 DRM_Reference_Vector_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_Reference_Vector_Control_Link
is specified in Table 6.217 — DRM_Reference_Vector_Control_Link.
6.3.217 DRM_Regular_Axis
DRM class DRM_Regular_Axis is specified in Table 6.218 — DRM_Regular_Axis.
6.3.218 DRM_Relative_Time
DRM class DRM_Relative_Time is specified in Table 6.219 — DRM_Relative_Time.
6.3.219 DRM_Relative_Time_Interval
DRM class DRM_Relative_Time_Interval is specified in Table 6.220 — DRM_Relative_Time_Interval.
6.3.220 DRM_Rendering_Priority_Level
DRM class DRM_Rendering_Priority_Level
is specified in Table 6.221 — DRM_Rendering_Priority_Level.
6.3.221 DRM_Rendering_Properties
DRM class DRM_Rendering_Properties is specified in Table 6.222 — DRM_Rendering_Properties.
6.3.222 DRM_Responsible_Party
DRM class DRM_Responsible_Party is specified in Table 6.223 — DRM_Responsible_Party.
6.3.223 DRM_RGB_Colour
DRM class DRM_RGB_Colour is specified in Table 6.224 — DRM_RGB_Colour.
6.3.224 DRM_RGB_Colour_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_RGB_Colour_Control_Link
is specified in Table 6.225 — DRM_RGB_Colour_Control_Link.
6.3.225 DRM_Rotating_Light_Behaviour
DRM class DRM_Rotating_Light_Behaviour
is specified in Table 6.226 — DRM_Rotating_Light_Behaviour.
6.3.226 DRM_Rotation
DRM class DRM_Rotation is specified in Table 6.227 — DRM_Rotation.
6.3.227 DRM_Rotation_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_Rotation_Control_Link is specified in Table 6.228 — DRM_Rotation_Control_Link.
6.3.228 DRM_Scale
DRM class DRM_Scale is specified in Table 6.229 — DRM_Scale.
6.3.229 DRM_Scale_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_Scale_Control_Link is specified in Table 6.230 — DRM_Scale_Control_Link.
6.3.230 DRM_Season
DRM class DRM_Season is specified in Table 6.231 — DRM_Season.
6.3.231 DRM_SEC_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_SEC_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.232 — DRM_SEC_3D_Location.
6.3.232 DRM_SEDRIS_Abstract_Base
DRM class DRM_SEDRIS_Abstract_ Base is specified in Table 6.233 — DRM_SEDRIS_Abstract_ Base.
6.3.233 DRM_Separating_Plane
DRM class DRM_Separating_Plane is specified in Table 6.234 — DRM_Separating_Plane.
6.3.234 DRM_Separating_Plane_Data
DRM class DRM_Separating_Plane_Data is specified in Table 6.235 — DRM_Separating_Plane_Data.
6.3.235 DRM_Separating_Plane_Related_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Separating_Plane_Related_Geometry
is specified in Table 6.236 — DRM_Separating_Plane_Related_Geometry.
6.3.236 DRM_Separating_Plane_Relations
DRM class DRM_Separating_Plane_Relations
is specified in Table 6.237 — DRM_Separating_Plane_Relations.
6.3.237 DRM_SEQ_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_SEQ_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.238 — DRM_SEQ_3D_Location.
6.3.238 DRM_SM_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_SM_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.239 — DRM_SM_3D_Location.
6.3.239 DRM_SMS_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_SMS_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.240 — DRM_SMS_3D_Location.
6.3.240 DRM_Sound
DRM class DRM_Sound is specified in Table 6.241 — DRM_Sound.
6.3.241 DRM_Sound_Instance
DRM class DRM_Sound_Instance is specified in Table 6.242 — DRM_Sound_Instance.
6.3.242 DRM_Sound_Instance_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_Sound_Instance_Control_Link
is specified in Table 6.243 — DRM_Sound_Instance_Control_Link.
6.3.243 DRM_Sound_Library
DRM class DRM_Sound_Library is specified in Table 6.244 — DRM_Sound_Library.
6.3.244 DRM_Sound_Volume
DRM class DRM_Sound_Volume is specified in Table 6.245 — DRM_Sound_Volume.
6.3.245 DRM_Source
DRM class DRM_Source is specified in Table 6.246 — DRM_Source.
6.3.246 DRM_Spatial_Association_Data
DRM class DRM_Spatial_Association_Data is specified in
Table 6.247 — DRM_Spatial_Association_Data.
6.3.247 DRM_Spatial_Extent
DRM class DRM_Spatial_Extent is specified in Table 6.248 — DRM_Spatial_Extent.
6.3.248 DRM_Spatial_Index_Data
DRM class DRM_Spatial_Index_Data is specified in Table 6.249 — DRM_Spatial_Index_Data.
6.3.249 DRM_Spatial_Index_Related_Feature_Topology
DRM class DRM_Spatial_Index_Related_Feature_Topology
is specified in Table 6.250 — DRM_Spatial_Index_Related_Feature_Topology.
6.3.250 DRM_Spatial_Index_Related_Features
DRM class DRM_Spatial_Index_Related_Features
is specified in Table 6.251 — DRM_Spatial_Index_Related_Features.
6.3.251 DRM_Spatial_Index_Related_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Spatial_Index_Related_Geometry
is specified in Table 6.252 — DRM_Spatial_Index_Related_Geometry.
6.3.252 DRM_Spatial_Index_Related_Geometry_Topology
DRM class DRM_Spatial_Index_Related_Geometry_Topology
is specified in Table 6.253 — DRM_Spatial_Index_Related_Geometry_Topology.
6.3.253 DRM_Spatial_Resolution_LOD_Data
DRM class DRM_Spatial_Resolution_LOD_Data
is specified in Table 6.254 — DRM_Spatial_Resolution_LOD_Data.
6.3.254 DRM_Specular_Colour
DRM class DRM_Specular_Colour is specified in Table 6.255 — DRM_Specular_Colour.
6.3.255 DRM_Spherical_Volume_Extent
DRM class DRM_Spherical_Volume_Extent
is specified in Table 6.256 — DRM_Spherical_Volume_Extent.
6.3.256 DRM_Spot_Light
DRM class DRM_Spot_Light is specified in Table 6.257 — DRM_Spot_Light.
6.3.257 DRM_SRF_Summary
DRM class DRM_SRF_Summary is specified in Table 6.258 — DRM_SRF_Summary.
6.3.258 DRM_Stamp_Behaviour
DRM class DRM_Stamp_Behaviour is specified in Table 6.259 — DRM_Stamp_Behaviour.
6.3.259 DRM_State_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_State_Control_Link is specified in Table 6.260 — DRM_State_Control_Link.
6.3.260 DRM_State_Data
DRM class DRM_State_Data is specified in Table 6.261 — DRM_State_Data.
6.3.261 DRM_State_Related_Features
DRM class DRM_State_Related_Features is specified in Table 6.262 — DRM_State_Related_Features.
6.3.262 DRM_State_Related_Geometry
DRM class DRM_State_Related_Geometry is specified in Table 6.263 — DRM_State_Related_Geometry.
6.3.263 DRM_Strobing_Light_Behaviour
DRM class DRM_Strobing_Light_Behaviour
is specified in Table 6.264 — DRM_Strobing_Light_Behaviour.
6.3.264 DRM_Surface_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Surface_Geometry is specified in Table 6.265 — DRM_Surface_Geometry.
6.3.265 DRM_Symbol
DRM class DRM_Symbol is specified in Table 6.266 — DRM_Symbol.
6.3.266 DRM_Symbol_Library
DRM class DRM_Symbol_Library is specified in Table 6.267 — DRM_Symbol_Library.
6.3.267 DRM_Table_Property_Description
DRM class DRM_Table_Property_Description
is specified in Table 6.268 — DRM_Table_Property_Description.
6.3.268 DRM_Tack_Point
DRM class DRM_Tack_Point is specified in Table 6.269 — DRM_Tack_Point.
6.3.269 DRM_Text
DRM class DRM_Text is specified in Table 6.270 — DRM_Text.
6.3.270 DRM_Texture_Coordinate
DRM class DRM_Texture_Coordinate is specified in Table 6.271 — DRM_Texture_Coordinate.
6.3.271 DRM_Texture_Coordinate_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_Texture_Coordinate_Control_Link
is specified in Table 6.272 — DRM_Texture_Coordinate_Control_Link.
6.3.272 DRM_Time_Constraints_Data
DRM class DRM_Time_Constraints_Data is specified in Table 6.273 — DRM_Time_Constraints_Data.
6.3.273 DRM_Time_Interval
DRM class DRM_Time_Interval is specified in Table 6.274 — DRM_Time_Interval.
6.3.274 DRM_Time_Of_Day
DRM class DRM_Time_Of_Day is specified in Table 6.275 — DRM_Time_Of_Day.
6.3.275 DRM_Time_Point
DRM class DRM_Time_Point is specified in Table 6.276 — DRM_Time_Point.
6.3.276 DRM_Time_Related_Features
DRM class DRM_Time_Related_Features is specified in Table 6.277 — DRM_Time_Related_Features.
6.3.277 DRM_Time_Related_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Time_Related_Geometry is specified in Table 6.278 — DRM_Time_Related_Geometry.
6.3.278 DRM_TM_Augmented_3D_Location
DRM class DRM_TM_Augmented_3D_Location is specified in Table 6.279 — DRM_TM_Augmented_3D_Location.
6.3.279 DRM_TM_Surface_Location
DRM class DRM_TM_Surface_Location is specified in Table 6.280 — DRM_TM_Surface_Location.
6.3.280 DRM_Transformation
DRM class DRM_Transformation is specified in Table 6.281 — DRM_Transformation.
6.3.281 DRM_Translation
DRM class DRM_Translation is specified in Table 6.282 — DRM_Translation.
6.3.282 DRM_Translation_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_Translation_Control_Link
is specified in Table 6.283 — DRM_Translation_Control_Link.
6.3.283 DRM_Translucency
DRM class DRM_Translucency is specified in Table 6.284 — DRM_Translucency.
6.3.284 DRM_Translucency_Control_Link
DRM class DRM_Translucency_Control_Link
is specified in Table 6.285 — DRM_Translucency_Control_Link.
6.3.285 DRM_Transmittal_Root
DRM class DRM_Transmittal_Root is specified in Table 6.286 — DRM_Transmittal_Root.
6.3.286 DRM_Transmittal_Summary
DRM class DRM_Transmittal_Summary is specified in Table 6.287 — DRM_Transmittal_Summary.
6.3.287 DRM_Twinkling_Light_Behaviour
DRM class DRM_Twinkling_Light_Behaviour
is specified in Table 6.288 — DRM_Twinkling_Light_Behaviour.
6.3.288 DRM_Union_Of_Feature_Topology
DRM class DRM_Union_Of_Feature_Topology
is specified in Table 6.289 — DRM_Union_Of_Feature_Topology.
6.3.289 DRM_Union_Of_Features
DRM class DRM_Union_Of_Features is specified in Table 6.290 — DRM_Union_Of_Features.
6.3.290 DRM_Union_Of_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Union_Of_Geometry is specified in Table 6.291 — DRM_Union_Of_Geometry.
6.3.291 DRM_Union_Of_Geometry_Hierarchy
DRM class DRM_Union_Of_Geometry_Hierarchy
is specified in Table 6.292 — DRM_Union_Of_Geometry_Hierarchy.
6.3.292 DRM_Union_Of_Geometry_Topology
DRM class DRM_Union_Of_Geometry_Topology
is specified in Table 6.293 — DRM_Union_Of_Geometry_Topology.
6.3.293 DRM_Union_Of_Primitive_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Union_Of_Primitive_Geometry
is specified in Table 6.294 — DRM_Union_Of_Primitive_Geometry.
6.3.294 DRM_Variable
DRM class DRM_Variable is specified in Table 6.295 — DRM_Variable.
6.3.295 DRM_Vertex
DRM class DRM_Vertex is specified in Table 6.296 — DRM_Vertex.
6.3.296 DRM_Volume
DRM class DRM_Volume is specified in Table 6.297 — DRM_Volume.
6.3.297 DRM_Volume_Extent
DRM class DRM_Volume_Extent is specified in Table 6.298 — DRM_Volume_Extent.
6.3.298 DRM_Volume_Geometry
DRM class DRM_Volume_Geometry is specified in Table 6.299 — DRM_Volume_Geometry.
6.3.299 DRM_Volume_Light_Behaviour
DRM class DRM_Volume_Light_Behaviour
is specified in Table 6.300 — DRM_Volume_Light_Behaviour.
6.3.300 DRM_Volume_LOD_Data
DRM class DRM_Volume_LOD_Data
is specified in Table 6.301 — DRM_Volume_LOD_Data.
6.3.301 DRM_Volume_Object
DRM class DRM_Volume_Object
is specified in Table 6.302 — DRM_Volume_Object.
6.3.302 DRM_Volumetric_Feature
DRM class DRM_Volumetric_Feature
is specified in Table 6.303 — DRM_Volumetric_Feature.
6.3.303 DRM_World_3x3
DRM class DRM_World_3x3 is specified in Table 6.304 — DRM_World_3x3
6.3.304 DRM_World_Transformation
DRM class DRM_World_Transformation is specified in Table 6.305 — DRM_World_Transformation