Table 6.189 — DRM_Primitive_Summary_Item




  • <DRM Primitive Summary Item>



  • None.


An instance of this DRM class specifies a common pattern of primitive objects that appear in the scope being summarized, which may be either a <DRM Model> instance or an <DRM Environment Root> instance. A <DRM Primitive Summary Item> instance represents one or more instances of the class specified by its drm_class field that conform to the specified pattern.

A <DRM Primitive Summary Item> instance may represent only instances of <DRM Primitive Geometry>, <DRM Primitive Feature>, their subclasses, and the classes that may appear in their component trees. <DRM Primitive Summary Item> instances are combined to form a hierarchy mirroring that of the primitive instances that they represent, such that the summary is a compressed form of the actual hierarchy.

Since a <DRM Primitive Summary Item> instance may represent many instances of the primitive that it summarizes, it has a multiplicity field, indicating how many instances of the pattern it represents. Note that all instances represented by a given <DRM Primitive Summary Item> instance shall conform exactly to that pattern, up to the point where the summary’s pattern ceases to provide specifics.

The multiplicity field indicates the number of identical instances represented.


1 If present, the list of <DRM EDCS Use Summary Item> components of a <DRM Base Summary Item> instance summarize EDCS usage by instances of the class specified by drm_class that occur somewhere in the scope being summarized.

Class diagram

Figure 6.216 — DRM_Primitive_Summary_Item

Inherited field elements

Field name


Field data type




Field elements

Field name


Field data type




Associated to (one-way) (inherited)

  • None.

Associated to (one-way)

  • None.

Associated by (one-way) (inherited)

  • None.

Associated by (one-way)

  • None.

Associated with (two-way) (inherited)

  • None.

Associated with (two-way)

  • None.

Composed of (two-way) (inherited)

  • None.

Composed of (two-way)

Composed of (two-way metadata) (inherited)

Composed of (two-way metadata)

  • None.

Component of (two-way) (inherited)

  • None.

Component of (two-way)



  • Summary of a common <DRM Polygon> structure pattern within a <DRM Model>.

    In this case, the pattern indicates that a data consumer can expect to see triangles. Other patterns can be present. In this particular example, the <DRM Model> contains not only triangles, but other types of <DRM Polygon> instances, such as quadrilaterals and even five-sided <DRM Polygon> instances. The <DRM Primitive Summary Item> instances indicate common patterns and not is not an enumeration of all the patterns that are present.

    Primitive Summary, Example 1

    Figure 6.217 — <DRM Primitive Summary Item> example