Table 6.47 — DRM_Cone_Directional_Light
Property |
Description |
Class |
Superclass |
Subclass |
Definition |
An instance of this DRM class specifies a <DRM Directional Light Behaviour>, the intensity of which varies depending on the observer’s position relative to the light’s location, direction, and shape. This light takes the shape of a cone, which can be elliptical. A <DRM Cone Directional Light> instance can specify a plane that divides the light cone into an upper and a lower section along the body of the cone. The upper section receives the primary colour while the lower section receives the secondary colour, if one is used. If the value of the has_plane field is TRUE, a plane, based at the cone apex and extending along the body of the cone, divides the light cone into an upper and a lower section. The upper section receives the primary colour. If a secondary colour is used, the lower section receives it. If has_plane is TRUE, the value of the plane_angular_offset field defines the angular offset of the plane measured in radians from the <DRM Lobe Data> instance’s LIGHT_DIRECTION vector and along its VERTICAL_AXIS vector. The resulting upper section of the light is taken to be between the plane and the positive end of the VERTICAL_AXIS vector. Tvalue of the plane_angular_offset field is ignored if has_plane is FALSE. If the value of the use_full_intensity field is TRUE, it indicates that the full intensity of the light is shown in the cone shaped area. Otherwise, the intensity of the light decreases (towards the minimum_colour_intensity value) as one moves away from the LIGHT_DIRECTION vector. The value of the minimum_colour_intensity value is used in conjunction with the primary colour’s intensity value. If the primary colour is represented by a <DRM Colour Index> instance, the full intensity is specified by its intensity_level field. If the primary colour is represented by an <DRM Inline Colour> instance, the full intensity is 1,0. A location in the direct path of the <DRM Lobe Data> instance’s LIGHT_DIRECTION vector receives the full intensity value. If use_full_intensity is FALSE, the intensity decreases with increasing distance from the LIGHT_DIRECTION vector, until the boundary specified by the horizontal and vertical <DRM Lobe Data> widths is reached. Outside the lobe, the intensity is minimum_colour_intensity. If the minimum_colour_intensity value is 0,0, the secondary colour (if present) will be seen outside the lobe. If no secondary colour is present, nothing is visible outside the lobe. If the value of the invisible_behind field is TRUE, the directional light is invisible when viewed from behind the plane of the directional light. |
Clarifications |
1 This specifies the lobe shape. |
Class diagram |
Inherited field elements |
Field elements |
Associated to (one-way) (inherited) |
Associated to (one-way) |
Associated by (one-way) (inherited) |
Associated by (one-way) |
Associated with (two-way) (inherited) |
Associated with (two-way) |
Composed of (two-way) (inherited) |
Composed of (two-way) |
Composed of (two-way metadata) (inherited) |
Composed of (two-way metadata) |
Component of (two-way) (inherited) |
Component of (two-way) |
Constraints |
Example(s) |