Table 6.299 — DRM_World_3x3
Property |
Description |
Class |
Superclass |
Subclass |
Definition |
An instance of this DRM class specifies a nine element matrix containing scaling and rotation data as part of a <DRM World Transformation>. The direction of rotation is determined by the right-hand rule. Translation data is not provided by a <DRM World 3x3>, because a <DRM World 3x3> instance only exists as part of a <DRM World Transformation>. The translation, or offset, component of a <DRM World Transformation> is provided by the mandatory <DRM Location> component of the <DRM World Transformation>. In essence, a <DRM World 3x3> matrix can be considered to be a full transformation matrix in which the rightmost column and bottom row have been omitted, because each is implicitly (0, 0, 0, 1). <DRM World Transformation> instances usually exist in the scope of an <DRM Environment Root> defining a non-LSR spatial reference frame. Consequently, <DRM World 3x3> instances usually exist within a 'world' spatial reference frame, hence the name. The matrix multiplication order is defined by w = M * v, where M is the <DRM World 3x3> matrix, v is the original location vector, and w is the resulting location vector. |
Class diagram |
Inherited field elements |
Field elements |
Associated to (one-way) (inherited) |
Associated to (one-way) |
Associated by (one-way) (inherited) |
Associated by (one-way) |
Associated with (two-way) (inherited) |
Associated with (two-way) |
Composed of (two-way) (inherited) |
Composed of (two-way) |
Composed of (two-way metadata) (inherited) |
Composed of (two-way metadata) |
Component of (two-way) (inherited) |
Component of (two-way) |
Constraints |
Clarifications |
1 This is an orientation matrix. |
Example(s) |