Table 6.291 — DRM_Variable
Property |
Description |
Class |
Superclass |
Subclass |
Definition |
An instance of this DRM class is used to connect an <DRM Interface Template> instance to a location within an <DRM Expression> tree where outside control may be exerted. For a <DRM Variable> instance contained within a <DRM Model>, evaluation is valid only for a specific instance of that <DRM Model>. The value is determined by an <DRM Expression> that is aggregated by the specific <DRM Geometry Model Instance> or <DRM Feature Model Instance>. This <DRM Expression> shall be associated to the same <DRM Interface Template> instance that is associated with the <DRM Variable>. For a <DRM Variable> instance contained within an <DRM Environment Root>, the evaluation can only be performed within the context of values that shall be supplied by the consuming system. |
Class diagram |
Inherited field elements |
Field elements |
Associated to (one-way) (inherited) |
Associated to (one-way) |
Associated by (one-way) (inherited) |
Associated by (one-way) |
Associated with (two-way) (inherited) |
Associated with (two-way) |
Composed of (two-way) (inherited) |
Composed of (two-way metadata) (inherited) |
Composed of (two-way metadata) |
Component of (two-way) (inherited) |
Component of (two-way) |
Constraints |
Clarifications |
1 This specifies the quantity represented by the given <DRM Variable> instance. 2 This specifies the unit of measurement of the quantity represented by the given <DRM Variable> instance. 3 This specifies the scale applicable to value_unit. 4 This specifies the value_type. of the given <DRM Variable> instance. 5 This provides a meaningful explanation of the purpose of the given <DRM Variable> instance. 6 This is used for <DRM Variable> instances that consumers need to identify. These are run-time flags, provided so that appropriate values can be “plugged in”, which then affect any <DRM Control Link> instances driven by such a <DRM Variable> instance. If a <DRM Variable> instance does not need a runtime_label, the field is set to the empty string. |
Example(s) |