Table 6.56 — DRM_Data_Table_Library




  • <DRM Data Table Library>



  • None.


An instance of this DRM class is a <DRM Library> containing <DRM Data Table> instances that can be referenced or “instanced” by an object within the transmittal. If the particular <DRM Data Table> is a <DRM Property Grid>, the associating <DRM Geometry> shall have a <DRM Location> that is used as the origin for the spatial <DRM Axes> in the <DRM Property Grid> - most often a <DRM Property Grid Hook Point>. A (non-spatial) <DRM Property Table> is assumed to provide information that applies to the entire associating <DRM Geometry> or <DRM Feature>. A <DRM Property Table Reference> may be employed to select a (N-1)-dimensional slice from the referenced <DRM Data Table> in the <DRM Library>.

Class diagram

Figure 6.63 — DRM_Data_Table_Library

Inherited field elements

Field name


Field data type



Field elements

Field name


Field data type



Associated to (one-way) (inherited)

  • None.

Associated to (one-way)

  • None.

Associated by (one-way) (inherited)

  • None.

Associated by (one-way)

  • None.

Associated with (two-way) (inherited)

  • None.

Associated with (two-way)

  • None.

Composed of (two-way) (inherited)

  • None.

Composed of (two-way)

Composed of (two-way metadata) (inherited)

Composed of (two-way metadata)

  • None.

Component of (two-way) (inherited)

  • None.

Component of (two-way)





  • A generic seamount could be modeled as a 2-d <DRM Property Grid> of the bottom elevation, surface properties, etc. This grid could be “instanced” in multiple places in the environment by means of <DRM Property Grid Hook Point> instances to construct a desired situation for training sonar operators.

  • A table of material properties can be placed in a <DRM Data Table Library> and accessed via <DRM Property Table Reference> instances to identify the materials and their properties for objects in the given transmittal, e.g. the optical or electromagnetic properties in various wavelength bands.